1ère classe Cyril Louaisil, 2ème Régiment dInfanterie de Marine (RIMa), Mort en Afghanistan 18MAI2011 Armee de la France, 13ème Régiment du Génie, KIA Afghanistan 10MAY2011
J'ai combattu le bon combat. J'ai achevé ma course. J'ai gardé la foi. 2 Timothée 4:7 (La Bible du Semeur)
Flowers of the Forest
Black Watch Piper
Rest in Peace, fallen brother, rest in peace! We who remain hold you in high honor. Rest, fallen brother, in this sacred precinct; We who remain keep this place sacred. Rest, fallen brother, among these, your comrades; We who remain keep the watch. Rest, fallen brother, among these who answered the Nations call; We who remain press the fight forward in your name. Rest, fallen brother, lay down thy burden; We who remain have taken up the torch. Rest in Peace, fallen brother, rest in eternal peace!
French Military Cemetery at Soupir
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