this I know from having years experience there
lib Jews here had to know that Obama was going to be markedly different towards Israel
hell...let's face it...Obama has more Jews in his inner circle than anyone ever has
plenty of Jewish commentators have raved on and on about it
the ultimate shabbaz goy
now look at him...don't tell me they could not have known what he was like
Obama sympathizes with Islam and folks of color...and he views Israelis as white..and they are far
but Arabs are Muslim and somewhat more swarthy or quite dark
it is religious and racial for Obama
he views Western civilization of which Christianity and Jews too played a big role as one big oppression against others and to some degree women
this treatment of Israel is a manifestation of that
I hope those 80% of American Jews with their crazy humanist messianic bent are now happy...what he did to their kinfolks who live in such a terrible neighborhood is appalling....
akin to FDR turning away the boats
and Obama must truly loathe Bibi...Bibi is everything Obama can never be...a real man.