the technical reports seem accurate to me
I especially appreciate his mention of the transaction log.
WND had an article about a letter that was written by one of the head HDOH guys when the HDOH was trying to meet the standards as it switched from territory to state. The letter described that the numbers were given immediately when the BC was accepted by the state registrar, which fits with what Okubo said on the UIPA responses. There should have been no delay in assigning the numbers.
Yet when CNN did a piece before Obama posted the longform, they asked Stig Waidelich to request a birth certificate - supposedly to prove that a COLB is the default, what a person gets when they don’t specifically ask for a copy of a longform. We already knew that. What was interesting, though, was that they had a shot of Waidelich’s BC# and it was way out of sequence. Supposedly filed on Aug 8, the same day as Obama’s was supposedly filed. But it was something like 40 numbers higher than the Nordykes’ which were filed 3 days later.
No way that happened. Definitely fishy. I suspect that CNN and the HDOH planned that out in advance so that the BC# would be altered just for that COLB to be printed out and then put back how it was before. Someone on my blog pointed out that the HDOH web page says that they don’t do walk-up BC’s; they normally take a week to be printed out, unless there is a request for an urgency exception. I didn’t see the CNN piece, but if Waidelich walked up and got a COLB then and there, he either had an exception filled out (which would defeat CNN’s purpose of trying to show what the routine procedure is) OR it was requested a week earlier and was ready for pick-up when CNN filmed Waidelich picking it up at the HDOH office. A week is plenty of time to print a custom COLB with altered BC#.
If so, that fits right in line with the analysis by this guy, suggesting that different BC’s were used to patch together the parts needed to get the desired result on Obama’s long-form - which means that the HDOH actually created the forgery using the BC’s they have at their disposal. If the HDOH was willing to do that, I’m sure they would be willing to shift BC#’s around.
And the only way to know they did it would be to see the transaction logs for all the involved records. When this finally gets investigated I want to find out whether Stig Waidelich’s BC# changed for a day.
The most damaging piece of evidence regarding the possibility that Sunahara’s BC# was stolen wasn’t included in the WND piece: even though her name is in their 1960-64 birth index, the HDOH has claimed they don’t have a birth record for Sunahara. Either they are outright lying about that, or the record that originally had her name no longer shows up when they query her name. Her record is still in the system but it doesn’t have her name on it. We need to know what name IS on that record, and what name changes that record has been through since its origin.
Ultimately, as long as the HDOH is willing to forge long-forms (if what this analysis says is correct) it won’t do us any good even if we could get long-forms, which the HDOH has since sometime in late March refused to do. A convincing forgery, for instance, showing Sunahara having a BC# different than Obama’s (for instance, Stig Waidelich’s REAL BC#) could falsely “debunk” this theory.
The ONLY information that means anything when you’ve got a crooked bureaucracy is the non-manipulable record, which in this case is the transaction logs.
I believe that the public needs to be aware of the discrepancies perpetrated by the HDOH itself, so a demand is created for an audit of the transaction logs. That’s the only way we’re ever gonna know for sure what happened with ANY of these records. And the HDOH has enough records that have anomalies that they could be hiding the marble under any one of 3-4 shifting “cups”.
Something this guy said was very interesting. He said that the transaction logs are supposed to be disclosable to the public in Washington (IIRC) and he thought the same was true for Hawaii. When I asked the HDOH for the transaction log for Obama’s birth record I got a lot of sputtering by the HDOH ultimately ending with them saying it would frustrate a legitimate government function if they disclosed the transaction log.
Seems like the 2 ways that the logs could be audited would be through subpoena in a court case or by a criminal/legal investigation.
Orly Taitz has a case now where she requests discovery of the birth records for Virginia Sunahara. If that or any other case results in “standing” this issue could actually get somewhere.
Sorry to be so long.