If you want any support for your run at all you better the hell speak out on this ruling, and it better be soon.
I guess American citizens are ticked.
I though Mitch was already funded by muzzies.
Making threats is stupid. Remaining silent while taking action isn’t.
The decision of that court is so egregiously unconstitutional it should fall upon appeal.
Daniels can join the pack of Seppuku committing GOP Presidential Wannabes if he doesn’t speak out against this travesty.
THIS is what you get when you have a police state.
I guess the police can just start bashing down doors of the people suspected of making the phone calls now.
The decision of that court is so egregiously unconstitutional it should fall upon appeal.
Daniels can join the pack of Seppuku committing GOP Presidential Wannabes if he doesn’t speak out against this travesty.
THIS is what you get when you have a police state.
We ain’t got no badges.
We don’t need no badges.
I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!
So, in other words if Officer Friendly “just wants to ask you a few questions”, you HAVE to let him in your house? It’s still allowed to refuse to answer them, right?
What's the 'modern' Fourth Amendment? The one I have was written back in the late 1700s? Is there a newer one I haven't heard about?
I do not care who you are. You break in my door, you are going to catch a face full of double barrel buckshot.
Remember, once the police enter your home, it’s a very short step to confiscating your firearms, since they may constitute a “threat” to these unlawfully entered police.
Make note of it. That is the next step on the slippery slope.
Heck, we rolled over on the TSA gropings, so why would the tyrants anticipate resistance to this the next step?
(Okay, we didn’t exactly roll over. We whipped out our...VIDEO CAMERAS!!! and “defended” our wives and children with them. /sarc)
I’d be ashamed for Indiana and America in general if there were no threats.
This ruling should be appealed immediately as it is in direct contradiction and opposition to the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution.
“The decision overturned centuries of common law.”
Oh, only about 800 years worth. Let’s just round that up to a millenium’s worth.
It has been quite obvious for some time now that this was going to happen. Leftist criminals (aka lawyers, judges and cops) are rejoicing everywhere.
Remember the Battle of Athens, TN.
Milquetoast Mitch doesn’t exactly look like a fighter.
Since when does a state court decide that the Bill of Rights no longer applies to citizens in that state? This would never happen in Texas.
Can the justices be impeached, recalled, voted out in Indiana ?
Between this and the SCOTUS ruling, there is no doubt we live in a police state, governs by thugs n the right and the left.
If, after the fact it is determined to be a bad warrant, then sue the hell out of them. But when a warrant is actually being served how can anyone know with 100% certainty that it's bogus?