To: quesney
The Pakistani Military and ISI knew exactly where he was for 10 years now so while this is good news that he’s dead, Pakistan must pay a price.
7 posted on
05/02/2011 3:44:19 AM PDT by
To: tobyhill
The Pakistani Military and ISI knew exactly where he was for 10 years now so while this is good news that hes dead, Pakistan must pay a price.
Well that's the little rule I always suggest (but I'm "crazy"). It's very simple: any source of attack which is knowingly harbored wins the host country a 60-day annihiliation, largely from the air, and then promptly sent a bill for the effort, which if unpaid, is simply extracted in treasure. No rebuilding.
If POTUS and Congress followed that policy, pakistan would cease to be a problem by the fall and the message would be heard very well by the world. It might take a couple more countries, but within a few years, ALL nations would miraculously be working diligently on our side to rid the world of evil. Instead, the world continues to play cowboys and indians, with politicians talking out of both sides of their mouth, using events such as this for political gain within their own country. Also - this is a yet another event that should prompt the U.S. to shut down immigration, but it won't.
The location of this cell/hq/compound is a blatant, outright slap in our face by the government of pakistan. Every day that goes by that we don't declare war and annihilate them sends a signal that we are just playing a decades or centuries-long game, sad to say. We allow them to lie to us and we continue to buy even that level of support.
To: tobyhill
All we need now is ANOTHER country to invade.
83 posted on
05/02/2011 6:22:49 AM PDT by
Blood of Tyrants
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