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To: NoGrayZone
All I see is a difference in depth, the fonts are identical. Serifs match up. I don't know why I wasted my time on this but here's an animated gif comparing the two:
706 posted on 04/27/2011 9:10:10 AM PDT by Adammon
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To: Adammon

I don’t know how to do that fancy stuff, but here is the link showing the S in Stanley. Different from the one you animated.

718 posted on 04/27/2011 9:14:04 AM PDT by NoGrayZone ("Islamophobia: The irrational fear of being beheaded.")
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To: Adammon

ONE THING that i would like to know is WHAT are these pencil marks that are on EACH COLB that has been shown here?? Even the sample from a DIFFERENT hawaiian hospital has the SAME weird pencil marks in the SAME places. A lot of lowercase a’s and the numbers 0, 1, 2 and 9 show up a lot. There must be another form that lies over the colb that makes these marks as it is filled out, or these marks come from the back of a colb that has been filled out and blead onto the front of one laid under it, OR they are marks made by some Hawaiian official that gets the BC’s and converts them to COLB’s... but the Handwriting on these phantom pencil marks all seem the same across different hospitals and years. They seem to line up with fill-in boxes that are not there. weird. those pencil marks are similar across the different COLB examples, but slightly different...

727 posted on 04/27/2011 9:17:22 AM PDT by WashStateGirl
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