Posted on 04/24/2011 5:38:22 PM PDT by Nachum
The deadly sect, Boko-Haram, on Sunday sent out a statement to the press, warning that they (sect members) will not rest until Nigerian Constitution was set aside and Sharia legal system upheld across the country. The sect members said no amount of counter-hostility from the security agencies will deter them in their holy mission until democracy was set aside and all the enemies of their mission were annihilated across Nigeria. The statement which was dropped at various media houses by unknown persons also frowned at the way people mistakenly narrow their mission
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OooooWeeeee! moozlums come to fore. They are coming for YOU.
All those Christians in the south aren’t taking that sort of nonsense peacefully.
The upcoming Nigerian Civil War is going to make Biafra look like a walk in the park.
According to Wikipedia, Boko-Haram translates to: “Non Islamic education is a sin”.
Islam is a political movement, not a religious one.
Outlaw that religion for eternity.
There is no other way, and THEY have made that perfectly clear. Whether we have the fortitude to do what is necessary or not is the question.
Any bets as to what side OBummer is going to provide air support and arms to?
He’ll claim he was confused, and supported the muslim radicals ‘cause they were from the North, and he got it mixed up with our Civil War.
Looks like some people just need killing.
Naw Obama will go help Ralia Odinga in Nigeria slaughter the Christians who won the elections.
What? Odinga’s in Kenya. Other side of the continent.
BTW, Muslim extremists might want to be careful what they start. Their guy lost 2:1.
The only solution to the Islamic situation is to forcibly convert, exterminate, or isolate and contain these savages.
Non-Muslim Africans, Asians, Europeans, and Americans will constantly be at risk as long as they fail to recognize the fact that all Muslims, regardless of present behavior, are our deadly enemies as much as all NAZIs and Fascists were in WW2. And the most DANGEROUS of these maniacs are the ones which walk among us.
“The only solution to the Islamic situation is to forcibly convert, exterminate, or isolate and contain these savages.”
The re-colonization of Africa and the mideast would work for me, too.
Ms. Coulter had it absolutely right — the most cogent words spoken after the World Trade Center attack.
There can be no other way. At least, if The West expects to survive. And, quite frankly — and also regrettably — I’ve seen very little lately to make me believe that it does.
Just sayin’...
We're going to need an alternative plan, since our ruling elitists, like Dubya, and Obama, for example, state unequivocally, that Islam is a religion of peace. Then, for all we know, Obama, who bears a muslim name, in all likelihood, may himself, be a muslim.
From where I sit, we are in a world of sh!t! Muslims are building their mosques thru out America. It's just a matter of time, as their numbers increase, before they make like demands from us. 'Set aside your Constitution, Americans. We intend to rule this land with Sharia law.'
There can be no compromise with Islam.
At the current rate of Islmaic immigration and reproduction in the west, our descendents will all be Muslims living in a world of ignorance, poverty and brutality beyond the wildest comprehesion of the most depraved Hollywood movie producers.
Unless we stop them and stop them now.
The relationship between the Bush Klan and the Muslim world was and is deplorable. The 9-11 attack was the excuse we needed to deal with them firmly and definitvely. But instead, we got insipid, banal, mendacious platitues about peaceful Islam - a statement that is, on the face of it, such an outrageous lie and historical contradiction, its amazing so many Americans fell for it.
Bush’s tolerance of Islam led to the Marxist Muslim Menace in the Oval Office.
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