If God allows evil does that prove there is no God or that God allows evil?
This atheist’s is guilty of faulty reasoning. If the reason for not believing God exists is because if God exists he would only create a world without evil or consequences places a condition on God that God does not necessarily place on Himself. God could be a jerk who wants to see folks suffer. He could get jollies from seeing little babies die of terrible diseases.
A belief in God does not mean that God is benevolent, all caring or all loving.
Agreed. But I think the discussion was whether there was a benevolent, loving, and compassionate Christian God.
I've pointed out before that some people seem to think that the Christian God is Loki, god of misdirection and deception. After all, what God would lay out such strong and clear evidence of an old earth, if it's actually young and "He just made it look old." But the story posted for this thread referred to the other aspects more typically ascribed to Him, such as love and compassion.