I have called Mc Donald's corporate 1-800-244-6227 and told them that I have to reconsider spending any money at their locations since their employees did nothing to stop this. Instead they told the criminals to flee before the police came.
1 posted on
04/22/2011 10:46:10 AM PDT by
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To: tutstar
Good. Corporate needs to clean out these sewers...
2 posted on
04/22/2011 10:47:21 AM PDT by
who knows what evil?
(G-d saved more animals than people on the ark...www.siameserescue.org.)
To: tutstar
What liberalism comes down to.
3 posted on
04/22/2011 10:48:02 AM PDT by
(First, Do No Harm)
To: tutstar
This will not even be reported by the MSM.
4 posted on
04/22/2011 10:48:57 AM PDT by
(Fight the powers that be!)
To: tutstar
This has been posted a few times already.
To: tutstar
Welcome to Obama’s thug world.
6 posted on
04/22/2011 10:50:34 AM PDT by
(12 year Freeper!!! Combat Economist.)
To: tutstar
News One for Back America? Gotta love that source and their Headline “White Girl Suffers Seizure After Black Girl Beating In McDonalds” The first sentence is even better. “A video has appeared on Worldstarhipop.com of four teenagers beating up another teenager to the point that she eventually suffered an alleged seizure in a McDonalds.”
To: tutstar
The video did not start at the beginning of the fight, but in no case does it appear that the white girl attempted to fight back. She assumed a totally defensive, submissive/passive mode, but all evidence over time has indicated that LASHING OUT OFFENSIVELY is by FAR the best defense to an attack.
To: tutstar
18 posted on
04/22/2011 10:54:34 AM PDT by
To: tutstar
I have called Mc Donald's corporate 1-800-244-6227 and told them that I have to reconsider spending any money at their locations since their employees did nothing to stop this. Instead they told the criminals to flee before the police came.
Excellent idea. I think we should all do that.
To: tutstar
24 posted on
04/22/2011 10:58:22 AM PDT by
(Fight the powers that be!)
To: tutstar
Assaulting whitey. What else is new.
Holder is gonna give the dept an extra McDonald’s allowance.
25 posted on
04/22/2011 10:59:20 AM PDT by
(I want gigaton warheads now!!)
To: tutstar
What despotic democrat ruled hellhole did this happen in?....................
26 posted on
04/22/2011 10:59:41 AM PDT by
Red Badger
(Mitt Romney: The Harold Stassen of the 21st century........)
To: tutstar
I have told everyone I know about this. Also warned them all to stay away from urban areas if at all possible.
I’m sure this happens much more often that we hear about. Gee, maybe FOX will pick this up.
It boggles the mind. I can understand how having a lousy upbringing can cause certain behaviors, i.e. foul mouth, being selfish, stealing, lying, etc. However, this goes far beyond. Its as if an entire generation has had the most basic of human emotion and decency stripped from their brains, as if their souls have been ripped from them. As if God Himself has turned away from them.
Screams and gnashing of teeth. Is hell a parallel universe that the soul-less amongst us live in?
If this is happening now imagine what is to come!
28 posted on
04/22/2011 11:01:08 AM PDT by
To: tutstar
This is the future folks.
Coming to you unless you are located in certain homogenous areas of the country, which are diminishing in number.
To: tutstar
I was having a nice day until I saw this.
30 posted on
04/22/2011 11:02:00 AM PDT by
To: tutstar
The girl’s parents needs to sue Mcdognuts.
Go viral with location etc.
32 posted on
04/22/2011 11:06:37 AM PDT by
(They don't need to do another 911. They have BHO and the Fleebaggers.)
To: tutstar
I really don’t want to watch this video. Perhaps that’s a fault on my part.
To: tutstar
Where was her gun.
Mine goes everywhere I go.
35 posted on
04/22/2011 11:08:52 AM PDT by
To: tutstar
The American people can expect a lot more of this sort of thing--and much worse--if they do not reverse their descent into decadence--and fast!Some people are stupid enough to think of decadence as some excessively sweet chocolate dessert or something like that. It's not. It's the kind of thing this video shows--and much, much worse.
Wake up, 21st century America! Your children deserve better even if you don't.
40 posted on
04/22/2011 11:10:34 AM PDT by
Savage Beast
( "The truth has no agenda..." -Surfer)
To: tutstar
I was told (via someone on Facebook) that the woman has died. Does anyone have any info in this regard? I surely hope this is not true. Here's the link where I viewed the beating:
45 posted on
04/22/2011 11:14:33 AM PDT by
(Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee ...)
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