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Mark Levin skewers Donald Chump (YouTube)
The Mark Levin Show ^
| Mark Levin
Posted on 04/17/2011 3:33:21 PM PDT by Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears
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Comment #261 Removed by Moderator
To: Las Vegas Ron
Why are you so obsessed with butts? What is your problem dude?
posted on
04/17/2011 8:45:16 PM PDT
(Want to make $$$? It's easy! Use FR as a platform to pimp your blog for hits!!!)
To: Eaker
Rules is rules boy.
They even apply to n00bies boy.
I’ll take a guess and say that Jim has a bigger problem with trolls insulting his friends, than somebody who fails to do a ping...BOY!
Now run along to bed you little twerp.
posted on
04/17/2011 8:46:52 PM PDT
To: Windflier
Well, it's about time. What was his [Frantzie's] final offense? I think he was advocating the use of Icelandic geothermal energy here in Texas. He may have wanted to shutter TXU's Glen Rose plant and have us import power from the volcanoes in the ROI. :-)
Actually, see post #32 in this rather heated (pun intended) thread before the guillotine performed its magic on our beloved colleague who always seemed to know what was best for Texas from his faraway perch.
posted on
04/17/2011 8:51:33 PM PDT
(DP...that's what I like about Texas.)
To: DeoVindiceSicSemperTyrannis; Eaker
Check yer male....just kidding, mail
posted on
04/17/2011 8:57:28 PM PDT
Las Vegas Ron
(The Tree of Liberty did not grow from an ACORN!)
To: Frantzie; Scooter; Markos33
All of TV is evil. Keep watching chumps. El wahid is loving Fox too. LOL
Good news Frenchy is that now you can go to that other site and post to your heart's content. You'll fit in nicely over there. LOL
posted on
04/17/2011 8:59:11 PM PDT
( I don't use drugs, my dreams are frightening enough.)
To: Artcore
Rules is still rules boy.
You invoke Jim to make you point without pinging him.
Can you be more of a fag without pictures?
posted on
04/17/2011 9:07:12 PM PDT
(The problem with the internet, you're never sure of the accuracy of the quotes. Abraham Lincoln '65)
To: Frantzie; Scooter; 50mm
Hey, Frantzie!
posted on
04/17/2011 9:11:08 PM PDT
Semper Mark
(Vlad Tepes was a piker.)
To: Markos33; mojitojoe
Ah man, I am so stealing that pic.....and Frantzie, this is for you....KMA!
( _ ! _ )
posted on
04/17/2011 9:24:38 PM PDT
Las Vegas Ron
(The Tree of Liberty did not grow from an ACORN!)
To: darkwing104
Wow! Frantzie finally did it and got the Zot. Now who is going to ridicule me for owning an evil television? Who will inform me of the grand world wide conspiracy involving FOX News? I guess he will have to devote more time watching the Haddock boats coming in from fishing there in Iceland.
posted on
04/17/2011 9:37:12 PM PDT
Lazlo in PA
(Now living in a newly minted Red State.)
To: Las Vegas Ron; Frantzie
Long over due chump ass mo fo... And after all my hard work, I didn't even get to say goodbye....sniff... I was gonna give him my last copy of TV Guide. LOL
posted on
04/17/2011 9:40:03 PM PDT
(To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
To: Markos33
Thanks for the party ping, Markos. How sweeeeet it is.
posted on
04/17/2011 9:41:11 PM PDT
(To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
To: Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears
To: Eaker
Rules is still rules boy.
You invoke Jim to make you point without pinging him.
Can you be more of a fag without pictures?”
Hmmm, the excessive use of the word “boy”, and calling another member a fag when sexuality was never part of the conversation. Your intelligence is breathtaking! You need to stop projecting.
Why is it that I get a mental picture that you have one good tooth in front, and the vocabulary of Gomer Pyle?
Now run along and play with your Green Lantern Action Figure you ignorant goober.
posted on
04/17/2011 9:48:14 PM PDT
To: re_nortex
see post #32 in this rather heated (pun intended) thread before the guillotine performed its magic on our beloved colleague who always seemed to know what was best for Texas from his faraway perch. Yeah, I backtracked and did my obligatory rubber-necking. His demise was quick, but gruesome. I liked that. Heh...
As to him sitting in Iceland and ragging on Texas politicians all the time, I never could quite figure that out. We got into it one night over it, and he tried to convince me that he lives in Ft Worth to try to scare me. I told him to "bring it", and he freepmailed me a link to some Ft Worth country club (????).
I gave up, and just started posting pics of TVs to him every time he started up his weird rant. He was entertaining at first, but after a while, he showed some real strangeness.
posted on
04/17/2011 9:53:09 PM PDT
(To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
To: Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears
I don’t get Mark Levin before my bedtime. Is he on the same level as Glenn Book, BOR, Boehner, Karl Rove, Coulter and the whole FAYX fraudster regarding the usurper and illegal alien’s in the W.H. NBC issue???
posted on
04/17/2011 9:53:39 PM PDT
To: SatinDoll; Tribemike1; Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears
The whole "old" GOP establishment is in total disarray right now, with break marks in their underpants!
This afternoon my wife had FAUX on the Trump thing!!
Listening in, I would have sworn I was listening to CNN/MSNBC, no difference, we are totally screwd!!!
posted on
04/17/2011 9:53:43 PM PDT
To: Repeal The 17th; Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears
Would you be interested in keeping an illegal alien and usurper’s shenanigans ongoing destroying the Constitution???
posted on
04/17/2011 9:53:53 PM PDT
To: fantom; SatinDoll
The folks are not buying yesterday's fish. It stinks worse than the old Swedish Surstromming. That's just the plain truth, Rove and gang don't know what to do except adopt libs tactics, they need to be on oxygen, LOL!!!
posted on
04/17/2011 9:54:02 PM PDT
To: Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears; Artcore
Dont forget the FReepers saying, Colin Powell for President!!! Condition Rice for President!!!How many FReepers have YOU heard said that???
Not me!!!
posted on
04/17/2011 9:54:12 PM PDT
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