To: jazusamo
Jeez..South Koreans sleep tight on their border with the Norks...thanks to American Cash, Fences and GI’s. Why can’t Texans, New Mexicans and Arizonans?
17 posted on
04/11/2011 1:03:52 PM PDT by
("If you understand, no explanation is needed; if you do not, no explanation is possible")
To: mo
Jeez..South Koreans sleep tight on their border with the Norks...thanks to American Cash, Fences and GIs. Why cant Texans, New Mexicans and Arizonans? Totally, 100% insane, isn't it?
23 posted on
04/11/2011 1:26:21 PM PDT by
(To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
To: mo
South Koreans sleep tight on their border with the Norks...thanks to American Cash, Fences and GIs. Why cant Texans, New Mexicans and Arizonans?
The government of the nation of South Korea wants to protect it citizens.
The government of the nation of The United States does not.
25 posted on
04/11/2011 1:33:15 PM PDT by
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