She seems to have been doing things properly (albeit slowly), but the AP was the one that seized on the unofficial vote total and proclaimed Kloppenburg to be the winner. Unofficial means unofficial, and even at that time it was known that the thousands of votes from Waukeesha were still outstanding.
When is the press conference where they grill the overanxious AP reporter?
The article says she failed to save those votes before passing the (wrong) total to the AP.
Kloppenkommie declared herself to be the winner, didn’t she? (I’ve lost a little of the story over the past 24 hours.)
Exactly. There was no malfeasance here. The error was found in the official tallying, as it should have. What was reported to the UrineStream press was just sloppy preliminary data. They should have known this.
Why aren't the press bellyaching about all the other adjustments in every other county and precinct?