In Libya definitely NOT Iran.
There have been prior reports of Iranian military along border regions in the southern part of Libya. I, regrettably do not have a link, yet recall these reports. In your opinion, do the reports appear to have no basis in fact?
I realize my question appears loaded, and I am picking on only one aspect of your prior post. I assure you this is not the case, and am only seeking an opinion.
To the reports of Iranian military along border regions in the southern part of Libya -- we're talking about the border with Chad. Now the Chadians have signed a treaty with Ghadaffi -- what do they gain if he is kicked out and some new pan-Arab guys come and demand the northern part of Chad back? They lose.
Furthermore, how exactly does Iran get it's military from Iran to there without anyone knowing about it?
Finally, what use would the Iranian military personnel be to the rebels? It's not like they are exceptionally sophisticated or well trained. They had a stalemate against a vastly outnumbered Saddam's Iraq because they used young men as canon fodder. They have outdated fighter aircraft and have no tactics as they haven't fought any serious war since the Iran-Iraq war (80-88) and don't know anything about pitched battles for a far longer time. They may be able to provide crazies to the Hizbullah, but what use are Iranis in the hottest deserts of Libya? Worse than useless.