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To: Salamander

Funny you mention that ;)

Still in the process, please forgive typos

Chapter 8
Of Race and Razorblades
“Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity.” - Father William of Ockham.

While the good 14th century friar quoted above may not be a household name and his literal quote may not festoon the bumper stickers of micro bus or monster truck, the principle that he, and it, established is indeed known far and wide without all the flowery language. The principle is ‘Occam’s Razor’ which in general terms says that ‘of two equivalent theories or explanations, all other things being equal, the simpler one is preferred.’

Over the centuries the Razor has guided the hands and minds of scientists and philosophers, the religious and the litigious in courtroom, laboratory and quiet contemplation alike, cutting away layers of gristle to get to the meat of the given matter. For purposes of this discussion, lets sit the liberal Left in the barber’s chair on the topic of race and racism in America and the world today.

Disgustingly so, the political Left has become synonymous with whipping out the proverbial ‘race card’ in any circumstance where they wish to minimize an opponent, opposing view, position, or in an all-out effort to shut down any given argument that threatens their agenda. Quoth the Klavan, “Just shut up.”

Let’s take the Obama campaign and presidency as our first example. From the moment rumors began to swirl about then-Senator Barack Obama’ s possible run for the presidency, stories filled the media questioning if ‘white America’ would ever accept a ‘black man’ as president. These stories served to instantly frame any opposition to Obama in racial terms and inoculate him from any meaningful scrutiny.

The Left has accused average citizens, reporters and politicians of racism who have asked to see (among others) Obama’s:

Certified copy of original birth certificate
Columbia University transcripts
Occidental College Transcripts
Columbia thesis paper
Campaign donor analysis
Harvard University transcripts
Illinois State Senate records
Illinois State Senate schedule
Law practice client list and billing records/summary
Medical record
Parent’s marriage Certificate
Record of baptism
Selective Service registration
Passport records
SAT and LSAT test scores
Punahou grade school records
Noelani Kindergarten records
Page 11 of Stanley Ann Dunham’s divorce decree.

To date, Obama has spent more than $1 million keeping these records sealed and otherwise hidden from public inspection.
Why exactly is it racist to have access to the very same documents that fill the Presidential Libraries from George Washington to GW Bush? Since all these men were white, it would actually be an easily defensible assertion to say that hiding Obama’s records is a racist act, not the other way around.

Occam’s simplest answer is that the accusation of racism by Obama supporters is a diversion because they do not wish to address the actual situation involved. Of course that leads to the question of ‘Why not’?

In fact, with any matter concerning disagreement or opposition to Obama or his policies, no matter how small or great, members of the Left always choose the race card as the first defense.

Obamacare resulted in non-stop media coverage and analysis’ over claimed racial opposition including the aforementioned and non-existent spitting incident.

The infamous Beer Summit created when a black professor pulled out the race card on a white police officer: The media deemed the cop racist for arresting a man breaking into a house (his own, but that was unknown at the time) and deemed the public racist for deeming the whole scenario an exercise in stupidity.

Opposition to the repeal of the Clinton era ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy was deemed by the media as both racist and homophobic.

Opposition to illegal aliens, sanctuary cities free healthcare and education for illegals, the entire state and population of Arizona (over S.B. 1070) and anyone who supported it was deemed racist by the media, Obama, the Democrat Party and a gaggle of A-F list Hollywood domestic policy specialists.

Opposition to global warming/EPA regulations? Racism.
Opposition to Black Panthers carrying billy clubs outside a polling place during a national election and threatening white voters on videotape? Racism.

Opposition to anti-Israel policy? Racism.

Opposition to the refusal to tap our own energy resources? Racism.

Opposition to adding Trillions of dollars to the national debt? Racism.

Opposition to governmental interference in the private business sector? Racism.

Opposition to anti-gun legislation? Racism.

Opposition to Michelle Obama’s food fight fiasco? Racism.

Opposition to the Obama’s taking a trip to India that set world records for narcissistic excess and cost taxpayers Billions of dollars during the country’s worst economic disaster in history? Racism.

Opposition to Obama loading up Air Force One with high-dollar campaign contributors for a trip to Rio where he launched a war against Libya and helped fund the Brazilian oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico he denies to American companies and citizens? Racism.

Opposition to building a Mosque at Ground Zero, site of the worst single act of Islamic terrorism in the history of the planet? Racism.

Opposition to foreign policy that provides funds to people and states that are known to back terrorists? Racism.
Opposition to Obama’s undeclared but rather obvious war on Israel? Racism.

Opposition to the administration’s overall foreign policy? Racism.

And the list just goes on and on. Not a literal day has gone by since Obama began his campaign where the Democrat Party, Leftist supporters and members of the media have not leveled the charge of racism against anyone not marching lockstep with Obama and/or his agenda. Again, Occam’s Razor cuts to the chase.
Since Obama was elected by white people (the numbers show definitively he would have been blown out by getting only the minority/black vote) Racism is the must UN-likely reason for opposition to Obama or his agenda. The most likely answer (and the one that happens to be the demonstrated truth) is that people are opposed to the policies that he and his administration are fostering on the public.

Every so often you’ll come across a talking head on TV or a newspaper/blog article that makes the claim that it isn’t Obama specifically that whitey doesn’t like, it’s black people as a whole. These claims usually come from the Al Sharpton/Jessie Jackson types or self-loathing white commentators. What this theory lacks, besides any basis in reality, is an entire country filled with evidence to the contrary.

Look again through the prizm of Occam’s Razor and ask yourself if white hatred of blacks causes:

Whites to spend hundreds of millions to billions of dollars annually buying CDs/MP3s and going to the concerts of non-white Rap/Hip-Hop groups.

Whites to spend hundreds of millions to billions of dollars annually patronizing the TV shows and movies staring non-white actors and actresses.

Whites to spend hundreds of millions to billions of dollars annually on sporting events, lionizing many of the black players by buying their jerseys and other memorabilia, wearing those jerseys proudly in public or hanging them prominently on the walls of their homes.

Whites to spend billions of dollars annually buying the products of companies who utilize black spokespersons for the products involved.

Whites who voluntarily send billions of dollars to aid in Africa and Haiti.

Whites to entrust their and their families’ healthcare to non-white physicians, nurses and related healthcare professionals.

Whites to work everyday in harmony with non-white co-workers under non-white bosses?

Whites to fight and die alongside non-white fellow soldiers in America’s military.

Whites across the political spectrum to vote for non-white candidates whose names don’t end with ‘Obama.’

Starting off this chapter I used the word ‘disgustingly’ and I uses it for a very specific reason. When dealing with the Leftist claims over white racism in comparison to reality, it is disgusting that Americans of every color allow them to continue spewing their garbage. How does Al Sharpton explain the fact that celebrities like James Earl Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Morgan Freeman or Oprah Winfrey are among the most admired entertainers by white Americans?

How does Jessie Jackson explain the success of Bill Cosby or Beyonce in a country he claims is among the most racist on the planet? They can’t and they don’t. They, and those like them follow the Gobels rule of repeating the lie often enough until some believe it.

Is there racism in America? Of course. Human beings have always had an aversion to those ‘other’ than themselves. But it’s the truly evil among us that have learned how to exploit those differences and turn them to their own advantage.

14 posted on 04/02/2011 12:45:43 AM PDT by Norm Lenhart
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To: Norm Lenhart

This Obama experiment is going to be way to expensive to America. It was all out of hand well before this. The 12th Iman needs to vacate the White House.

... from a previous post

The anti American has summoned and started the assembly of the greatest force against America.

He has taken America into Jihad... and beyond.

The ME? ... consolidating it for his brethren with American fire power @ Americas expense.

His first speech in Cairo... His speech in Indonesia included references against the Jews.

He has more than shown himself to be on side with muslims. Heck! He shares their same mantra....death to America.

Lose the ME? I don’t thinkso....consolidate it in the name of Allah.

For Obama? Its the ..current policy from the white house.....the marginalization and destruction of America.

Obama , culturally never was an American as he carries many chips on his shoulder and as we see from his old culture at many levels. He feels for his Kenyan identity, he feels for his muslim identity developed during adolescence in Indonesia, and he feels his angst against white and America....DeSouza went to great lengths to detail this in his book.

Its all about death to America....death to the great satan!
from a previous posting, see second last paragraph...

His associations with the MB? Over 20 years of understudy to Wright and Farrakhan ties him to the people and philosophy, thus his endorsement of the coup... These are the same guys who are shooting at our troops.

His drive against America is demonstrated in his unfettered support of the OIC driven “UN”.

All his acts are supportive of Islam. They will march on Israel, and then guess what? YOU and ME.

Follow it out...

“One of the prettiest sounds on earth” is the Muslim call to prayer at sunset.
Barack Hussein Obama as quoted by Nicholas D. Kristof in the New York Times - March 6, 2007

• The FIRST thing Obama did as a newly elected Illinois State Senator was to attempt to declare a Muslim holiday. Obama sponsored Bill SR0110 in the 90th General Assembly to declare November 1, 1997 to be Islamic Community Center Day. It did not pass.

• His biological father was a Muslim.

• Because his biological father was a Muslim the Islam world thinks he is a Muslim.

• His stepfather was a Muslim.

• As a child Barry was enrolled in school as a Muslim in Jakarta Indonesia. An Indonesian Madrasa.
• Barack Hussein Obama’s first and middle names are Arabic Muslim names.
Barack was the name for Mohammad’s horse. Husein, enough said.

• Obama recited the opening lines of the Muslim call to prayer, which includes a vow of fidelity to Islam, in flawless Arabic on a radio program. - Nikolos Kristoff, NYTs, 3-06-07 (***this one is a gottcha moment***)

• On that same program he said he thinks the call to prayer is “one of the prettiest sounds on earth.”

• Obama belonged to Rev. Wright’s (a former Muslim) church for twenty years. Many congregants are Muslims.

• Obama’s said that the U.S. is “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”

• Obama holds Muslim celebrations in the WH but canceled the National Day of Prayer.

• President Obama’s religious adviser, Eboo Patel, once deemed the United States “the ideal place for the renewal of Islam.”

• Obama does not give gifts on Christmas.

• Obama doesn’t celebrate his birthday.

• Obama falsely attributes Muslim participation in the founding of America.

• Obama required that the cross be covered when he gave a speech at Notre Dame.

• Christian symbol covered up during Obama’s Georgetown speech

• Obama’s first major speech in office was a “Muslim outreach” speech in Cairo Egypt.

• “The American President told me in confidence that he is a Muslim,” said Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit on Nile TV.

• Obama gave strong support to the Cordoba House community center and mosque to be built at the Ground Zero site of Sep. 11, 2001 at a dinner celebrating the day’s end of the first day of Ramadan at the WH.

• Obama tasked NASA with a mission of “Muslim outreach.”

• Obama referred to his faith as “my Muslim faith” gaffe in an interview with George Stephanopolous.

• Pushes Islamic freedom of religion but not Jewish or Christian freedoms. Several weeks ago he told Israel NOT to build settlements in East Jerusalem. But OK to build that Mosque at Ground Zero.

All this brings on a interesting question... how can America have any struggle against Islam, or protect herself with the most powerful muslim in the world sitting in the White House?

Be wary, wary aware ....and wary, wary afraid...get prepared for more creeping sharia...more than what is coming out of the White House today

15 posted on 04/02/2011 1:02:04 AM PDT by himno hero ("armageddon is well seeded, America will pay"...Barrack Obama)
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To: Norm Lenhart

There was a thread this morning that I read about this issue -— but I can’t find it anywhere in SEARCH.

It was about probable congressional involvement from both political sides. Kathleen Silberman (correct name?) was involved.

Anyone know of this particular thread?

46 posted on 04/02/2011 10:00:34 AM PDT by Exit148
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