I know, I'm exhausted tracking down just those details not reported and still one will fork off into another directions raising further questions..
Details are what the Left Will DO FOR YOU. Fine example is the Bangor Daily News. Was that always like this? thought it was more conservative before. So found myself posting 2x's over on the Bangor News site--they are fit to be tied over the mural issue..as the governor said: "we don't have anything [better]to do in Maine". No one hated him when he gave them jobs at the growing Marden chain of super stores, or found themselves raving about shopping at Mardens or lowered their taxes in Waterville compared to other cities and towns in Maine, while putting emphasis on education, having been once 11, abuse and alone on the streets. He won only spending $160,000? His opponents spent way more and are whinning over a recall. I read over in the BDNews comments some State Senate Republicans have signed against him on the mural--can't judge a backbone by what's under ones political hat, I guess.
LePage is a survivor when up against the important things in life--but those liberal gnats can be really annoying. You swat, they still return.
Have seen they want to boycott all companies coming to Maine if they meet with LePage--how low are the IQ's of these Mainers??
Funny story on your mom. You made me want to go buy an Italian Sandwich with everything, oil and vinegar...
Pretty low.
The comments sections on the daily hit pieces the BDN runs on LePage are full of moronic attacks by lefty mouth-breathers, regurgitating commie dogma and, just for good measure, insulting LePage's appearance at every turn. They love referring to him as "the Penguin" and apparently consider this an example of sophisticated wit.