The “feminists” used to say that no woman needed a man in her life,
now they’re saying that only the man’s paycheck is required.
And consider how the popular culture views everything related to sexuality. It’s all titilation, all the time.
And, we live in a world in which Keith Olbermann calls Bristol Palin the worst person in the world. Her crime was getting pregnant without a husband, and trying to help other young girls avoid her own mistakes in life. We have institutionalized teen pregnancy and the whole “baby mama” culture. So in the liberal view, all this sex activity and dressing like sluts and all the rest is a good thing. It’s all supposed to be liberating.
And if you want to make a political statement, all these baby mama girls will grow up and vote Democrat, since they then will rely on government programs to raise those kids.
This is a lie. It is every woma's fantasy to have three men at the same time - One cooking dinner, one washing the bathroom, and one mowing the lawn.