This story is indicative of the perverted concept of morality and prioritization within our society. Thousands die from a quake and tsunami and their lives are meaningless, their stories untold. Meanwhile the media and babble heads worry about the spotted owl, some fish that is more important than food or jobs in S. California, or a nuclear incident that is in the grand scheme of things “insignificant” once one takes out all the hype. Near half of all TB in this country is because of an out of control Southern border and that is never in the media, but the BP oil spill (another massive eco story that took the headlines for months and in the grand scheme was insignificant) caused a shift in policies, the allocation of resources to combat this make belief “crisis” where the president himself make constant speeches etc.
Those talking about this nuclear crisis or running around wanting to close all our plants etc should have a big tattoo put on their forehead, “Imbecile.”