Look. It’ the role of the court to determine if any law passed by the government (no matter how overwhelmingly popular) is constitutional. We all get that.
With that said, the ruling by this Wisconsin Judge is just pure intellectual sloth at best or party politics at worse. If it’s the latter, the woman should be removed from her position. Judges are not supposed to respond to the politics of the issue.
True, by rule (not by law...by rule) if the Senate was in normal session a certain amount of time must be given before any vote can occur. However, the rules do not apply when the Senate is in ‘Special Session’ and the Senate was in Special session. Therefore, no time was needed to call for debate and vote. I’ve read over this at least ten times now. It’s more clear than Wisconsin is cold.
I understand the Dems are frustrated with the new collective bargaining laws in Wisconsin. I even respect their spirited opposition to it. Still, on some level don’t they know that sometimes the other side gets to win day? And, that’s all that has happened this time....Walker and the GOP won the day....for now.
As a winners in this scrum, we GOPers certainly don’t insist that we also get to win over their hearts and minds, too. But, we absolutely do insist they lose with graciousness, class, and dignity...all of which they seem to be incapable of displaying.
In any case, this is a democracy. The next election is just around the corner....always. Grow up, Democrats!!
The thing that is not so clear is that the meeting in question was a joint committee meeting, not just a Senate committee meeting. It’s not entirely clear, then, that the Senate rule controls here, if it does not, then the meeting very likely did violate the open meetings law.
Regardless of the merits of the decision, it ought to be moot. The Republicans sould poat notice 24 hours in advance, vote again, and end this. They probably should have done so in the first place.