I think we could have even more medical miracles with a combination of tort reform and free markets than with socialist Obamacare. The need to lower health costs is real, the intrusive hand of government is not the best answer.
This communist doesn´t care for elderly relatives. If you´ve had to care for one lately, you´ll know what I´m talking about. The Death Panels are already here for many of them.
If the Dems. had any brains at all, which they don’t, they would keep Reid away from microphones. Sometimes, I think the guy is either drunk or senile.
Reid hasn’t tried to find a doc lately, especially a doc taking new Medicare patients.
The real story here isn’t Harry Reid making stupid stmts. Anyone other than a hermit knows that’s what Harry does. No, the real story is the UT electorate who keep sending him back to DC. When Harry makes stmts like this its a play to his constituency. They must truly be a pack of drooling imbeciles.
OK. Let’s hear from “Bob” then about his medical miracle.
Bob, you’re next!
Lying, Patent BULLSHIT!!
Harry Reid makes my skin crawl.
Harry has been drinking the green beer a little early.
He just can’t stop lying.
Dems think we're all morons.
Harry Reid is a vile, detestable individual capable of stooping to any depth to hold on to power. As long as he is in a position to toss hundreds of millions of dollars Nevada’s direction he is safe. The key to defeating Reid would have been to have been able to retake the Senate. Maybe next time (if he continues to run).
Yes Pinky, many people have prayed for miracles to get over afflictions before your rationing boards kick in.
Reid’s tombstone will simply say “Harry never met a lie he didn’t like”.
Everyone in Washington is looking at the looming disaster in the face and just hoping that a miracle can save us. I think they are all scared senseless.
And I’ve been turned down twice because I’m on Medicare!
How can any “miracles” have occurred when Obamacare hasn’t really kicked in yet?
The sad thing is “we the people”, me included, sat on our hands while the “elected royalty” excluded themselves and their families from the law. That should have started something. Now there are more than a thousand other exemptions and we’re still sitting on our hands while people like Boner and Mitchell continue to “lead”.
Reid’s brain cell must have died early.
Magical Thinking.
And if we all clap real hard,
Tinkerbell will live.