do you believe everything youve been told? How could Obama qualify as a refugee?
A search on the genealogy website for the Social Security Death Index for Thomas Wood with an SSI number issued in CT does bring up the record in question. You can run your own search at:
He isn’t a U.S. citizen.
His father registered him as a British subject, then as Kenyan three years later.
His mother took him to Indonesia and he was adopted by his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro. The school records in Indonesia prove that fact.
The interesting thing about all this: Kenyan and Indonesian citizenship lapse if not affirmed by majority.
But, once a British subject, ALWAYS a British subject - the only way to get out from under it is to naturalize with another nation.
Obama has never naturalized as a U.S. citizen.
Gov. Abercrombie, of Hawaii, used a search warrant to look for Obama’s birth certificate - couldn’t find it. It doesn’t exist!
By default Obama is a British subject. No wonder he’s rude and obnoxious to them; they can ‘out’ him at any time.
How could Obama qualify as a refugee?
Exactly. How could anyone born in Hawaii be an Indonesian refuge? If he was born in the US, then as a US citizen, he would have - at birth - automatically been issued a SS number for Hawaii, not that of some dead kid from CN.
How could 'black' people who never farmed a day in their life, get reparations payments through the PICKFORD lawsuit (the one involving Shirley Sherrod) ????
How do people on WELFARE and FOOD stamps afford LINCOLN NAVIGATORS, 30 in rims, and the latest BLUE TOOTH ?????
How does a person from Illinois, with very little experience, become President and get a Pulitzer Prize before he even has done ANYTHING?