You ignore your flanks you lose. You make assumptions only you are knowledgeable of battle, political or not, you lose.
That argument aside....:o)
One main battle I would ask any conservative, polidiot or not, to fight would to be cut funding of the insane socialist agenda if they can. They may pass such. Doesn’t mean we “have” to buy it. That IMO is best for now. Cut their purse strings.
I do not know Mr West. Does he have an established political record or is he new to politics ?
Lt Col. Alan West was forced to retire after firing a pistol near the head of a captured Moslim who knew of an imminent ambush. Prior to the shot being fired, the Moslim terrorist had refused to talk. After the shot, he talked and the ambush was a success for our troops, not the Moslims.
Libtards across America began to hyper-ventilate in unison, adn West was forced to retire.
He then ran for the Congressional seat of one Ron Klein, Democrap, FL. Klein was the West palm Beach CongressCritter, white, Jewish, Liberal. West, a black, Christian, Conservative beat Klein - thereby proving that perhaps there may be a just G*d after all.
For the Libtards of that District, home of the ‘butterfly ballot’ and home habitat of one ‘Chad, Hanging’, to vote for a black conservative ex-military man is remarkable.
West is a man of character. Having said that, I rest my defense of him.