Quilted northern cut their’s down by an ENTIRE inch. Form 4.5 inches to 3.5 inches. However, a news agency that contacted them after it happened started asking questions, and Quilted Northern said they only mean tto cut down the size by 1/2 inch, and that there must have been a problem and there were a few “miscut” a full inch. Yeah right. The news anchors looked at several packages from different stores IIRC, and all were 3.5 in, a full inch smaller. I’m glad I don’t buy TP often, and I don’t buy quilted northern anymore either (used to exclusively). Now I buy the store brand when it’s on sale, but those are dwindling. They have a really good sale once or twice a year (or used to, but they seem to not be as good this year, but still a great bargain compared to name brands), and I usually buy then. Same as everything I buy, I just rotate it. TP never goes bad, and you’ll be using it as long as there is a flush toilet, and then, maybe even after, so I say invest if you can, when the price is right. I won’t have to deal with the streamer sized rolls for some time, thank goodness!
I use an old but brilliant technique to save money on toilet paper.
You know how there’s SINGLE ply and DOUBLE ply?
Well the single ply is about half the price, so I buy that.
BUT - if you fold it in half before you wipe, it feels about the same as the double ply, for half the price!
Try it out. It might be just the thing.