NO! Shirley you jest!
Is there anyone on the Left that doesn’t lie?
Please! Cut the funding for “public” broadcasting NOW!
Then the NEA.
Then the entire Dept. of Education (which should NEVER have been a federal branch of anything).
“But We’re Not Biased”
Oh no, of course not-they are totally objective and never express their biases:(
Is it biased if you agree with it?
They have no clue that they are the last to realize that they have no clue. Halitosis is not self evident, either. They think that their breath is sweet but they exhale a rotten pile of putrefaction.
With regards to Nina Totenberg saying recently that Juan Williams “should have been fired because as a reporter, he shouldn’t interject personal opinions...”
Nina, how do you reconcile this?
Step 1-—Defund NPR.
Step 2-—Take NPR’s non-profit status from them.
NPR is a political entity and should not get taxpayer money nor should NPR donors get a tax deduction.
Me think NPR scum bag speak with forked tongue.
Liberal reporters prevent news from being aired. Notice how little ACORN scam got aired on MSM.
It is not only the news that gets aired, it is also the news that does not get aired.
It’s like saying you’re a fag but you don’t date people of the same sex.
Typical leftist double-speak. As I have noted before, I am sure, the real problem is they actually believe what they say. Never trust or depend on a liberal, folks....ever.
NPR is the paid media wing of the Democrat party.
> NPR Hosts: Employees Here Are ‘Overwhelmingly Liberal’ - But We’re Not Biased
But it’s an impossibility with Fox.
Actually true unbiased in reporting in the latter case and totally false with the former.
Uh-uh. That should read:
"In response to this week's exposure of shameful bias at NPR,"
There. Fixed it.
Where did this whole idea come from that news has to be unbiased anyway? Didn’t newspapers in the early years of this country declare their biases proudly by naming them the “Arkansas Democrat Gazette” or the “Arizona Republic?” Then you read or watch the news slant you want to read, and I’ll see the news slant I want to read. Neither source gets funded by the Feds and taxpayer dollars, and everybody’s happy. That is, until the Democrat news source goes bankrupt because nobody watches it.
I have no problem w/Nationalized Public Radio being liberal, I just don’t want to pay for it.
Pray for America
The last time I tuned into public radio about a year ago (because where I was, I couldn’t pick up any other public affairs/discussion shows), the three programs I listened to were so overwhelmingly slanted in their liberal bias, it was almost a caricature. Naturally, not every program on NPR will have some sort of political slant to it. But quite of few of them do.
When they add RUSH, Levin and Beck etc as contributors I’ll believe them.
Until then- nope.