What is it called? Libanoia?
Collective bargaining should not be legal for public worker. I say this pastor talking about the “working poor”—what a lie! Teachers making $100,000.00 and getting pensions and health insurance for free are not the working poor.
Nurses, where there is a shortage, can get GOOD jobs ANYWHERE!
Working poor my eye!
I think this is why I could never be a democrat. I just can't lie to myself and others on a daily basis the way these people do.
A diseased mind indeed
>>4. And, ironically, it has rarely been the case that conservatives or Republicans or other authoritarian political figures have been the targets of actual violence. While such incidents are not unknown, mostly it has been liberals and Democrats in the cross hairs actually experiencing threats and even getting injured or killed, from FDR through JFK and Martin Luther King to Rep. Giffords.<<
Yeah, no one ever took a shot at Lincoln, Ford, Reagan...
And did our wittle writer sort of forget to note the suspect who shot at Giffords was a LIBERAL?
(that is to the OP, not you, Q).
I wonder if this guy wrote any articles about Palin “targeting” voting districts and, if so, was as sanguine?
It’s going to be the Republicans fault if one of them gets hurt or killed. /scarc
Yet it is Republicans once again making a big, public, political deal out of all such threats...
Yeah, just like it just a tiny, tiny minority of cops who beat on Rodney King, your liberal role model, remember? Yet that didn’t stop u and ur ilk from showing the video hundreds of times to a worldwide audience, nor rioting afterwards. How many people killed, wounded and how much $$$ property damage?
GOPhobic liberals. They need to go to diversity training.
Lib spin 101. It’s always the fault of the right, never the rats.
I’ll note this fools name and never pay his work any attention.
Do a little Googling for the author’s name, and it quickly becomes apparent that he’s hip deep in Wisconsin union politics and campaign financing, to the point where he was given immunity against campaign finance related charges in 2001 when the Dems were in charge.
I can only imagine what his reaction would be if his celebrity status as a political writer/activist led to similar threats.
When I read this phrase “the fetish of self-victimization” it immediately conjures an image of a trendy idiot, wearing a Marxist beard, who gets a job at Salon because of daddy’s influence. The important point is the university pumps out more crap than a sewage plant.
It’s OK to threaten conservatives. Ask Alec Baldwin.
Gee I guess this person would be ok with getting emails telling him how them and their family were going to die in fairly graphic detail? What an idiot and the left seems to have an abundance of them!