The whole thing was an obscenity. The people who authorized it (on both sides) should be suffering right along with the sheeple.
“The people who authorized it (on both sides) should be suffering..”
Totally agree. BOTH sides need to be hung out to dry. The TBTF banks and the politicians.
How much of this could have been avoided by having the contracts made public long before they were signed ?
RE: The people who authorized it (on both sides) should be suffering right along with the sheeple.
As one reads the story and how a project budgeted for just $250 Million balooned to 5 times its original etimated cost, one cannot help but appreciated the foresight of Chris Christie when he vetoed the potential boondoogle that is the NJ to NYC train tunnel that was originally estimated at $6 Billion and now is estimated to cost $14 B ( and will that be the end of it?).
You can take this to the bank — when government estimates the cost of a new program to be X dollars, mulitply that by 4 at a mimimum.
And look who the impetus was: that’s right, the EPA.