Captain Sully's co-pilot must have hit his head when they landed...sad to see him promoting this crap.
In the end, it won't matter but it's more manure piled onto the media fire.
And the biggest rally of all was in November when it mattered.
While the people who pay their salaries and make much less than the thugs went about their daily business of trying to afford groceries, gas and hope they still had a job come Monday.
I bet they left the place a dump. Leftist are really not such great environmentalists.
Actually, the media fire does matter. The union/leftwing media alliance have done their best to deliver many negative media cycles for Walker and the GOP. All it takes is 3 Wisconsin Republican Senators to become weak in the knees and cave in. One we already know is a major RINO who wants to negotiate, so if 2 more bow to the media pressure the unions win. The left knows the stakes here are huge and have been able to turn out huge crowds that show no signs of diminishing.
Where are the pro Walker forces in Wisconsin? Most have jobs I know, but if these protests go largely unchallenged, I am not certain how long the good guys can hold out. A loss here would be incredibly damaging to efforts to push the same needed legislation elsewhere - and it would encourage more legislature walkouts and lawlessness as the media/unions/left will enshrine it as a legitimate tactic.
Already Walker is delaying the lay off notices that he threatened for this past Friday. The Dem Senators called his bluff. He shouldn't have threatened to send out the layoff notices and not done it. To the left that is a sign of weakness.
The key to winning is to just wait it out and stay strong, but Walker and the Republicans are taking a terrible beating in the media. Can the Republican state Senators really hold out that much longer? I hope so, but am not as confident as many here.
Big surprise. The Democrat estate is home to the Great America Blowhard. If there’s a mic, they’ll migrate there in massive numbers.
The only problem with this is trying to limit all the fowl that will want to peck at American on one day.
And of course, there’ll be the requisite clean-up where they temporarily roost too. And then there’s all the fowl that will flock together hoping to eat the seed corn.
Perhaps this trash cleanup is one industry the Democrats should get more credit for blowing out the numbers.
really now, how many were bused in and given free lunches? that is the MO
So what? More maggots seething in the Wisconsin State House this week should be of little concern to those with the real power to cut the parasites off and watch them dry up & blow away - if they continue to have the political will.
Mostly bussed in.