Yeah, I thought this was a post-racial society.
I think when the Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton agitators stop agitating, we may realize the progress we have made.
No. It’s white washed anyway (no pun intended). Never a contrary word, always positive, sometimes exaggerated. “History” includes the bad as well as the good.
I demand we have a “Poor Whitty” Month
I have a great idea! Let’s have Black History Month, White History Month, and Asian History Month.
Why don’t we just go into a no-hyphenation phase-in and gradually change it to...American History Month.
See tagline
Only racists deamdn raced based months, weeks,days, testing, political caucuses, etc.
Starting 2014, Black History will be a part of American History in general.
How can we tell when “their” history month starts and stops?
We are bombarded with their whining racist crap 24/7/365.
I’ve wondered the same thing. My newspaper has it on the front page featuring a different person every day. I’ve felt like writing and asking, “when is White History month”?
Oh, we also have hispanic history time and features about islam on the front page!!
Embrace Black History Month! My son’s 4th grade teacher gave him a choice of doing a paper on MLK, Rosa Parks or Jackie Robinson. Instead he chose Herman Cain and Alan West, having watched their speeches at CPAC. The teacher had not heard of either one of them. But I assure you, when he is done presenting his report in front of the class, she will, and so will the 12 black kids in the room.
How about a setting aside a month - or even a day, starting small - to talk positively about the great White Americans of the past like Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson or George Washington?
We can do this with Pocahontas, Harriet Tubman, Cesar Chavez, George Washington Carver ... why not for European Americans? Shouldn’t they be encouraged to take pride in their ancestors?
That’s what the multiculturalists want for every group in the world with one notable exception.
Of course even to broach the subject is to be hounded and tarred and feathered as a “racist” and “white supremacist” - because the definition of a “racist” is no longer hatred or aversion or discrimination against “people of color,” but merely having a positive view about Western culture or pre-1965 America.
You can literally show up at a campaign rally with an Allen West campaign button with your black wife and a sign that says “I LOVE Black People” and still, and still, you will get called a “racist” by the likes of an Al Sharpton.
this may surprise most here but while i oppose. MLK day i think a special recognition for true black heroes or accomplishments. is reasonable
Is he being funny when he says, “typical white person”? Isn’t that what Bambi called his typical white grandmother?
We boiled down all the presidents’ birthdays down to one day, President’s Day.
Let’s just have All Americans Month where we celebrate the various colors of our skins and be done with it.
(This is so stupid.)