1. Did she deserve to be raped? Absolutely not.
2. Should she have expected to be raped (or assaulted) in that circumstance? Absolutely.
You don't go into a lion's cage wrapped in bacon and expect to not get eaten. Being there was just plain stupid on her part. A level of stupidity that is only seen in the actions of liberals.
3. Am I sad that she got raped? Yes. It should never happen.
4. Am I surprised she got raped. Not one bit. I expect EVERY western woman to get raped in such a circumstance. Moslems are animals*. Expecting them to do the civilized thing is always wrong. They will always be merely animals until islam is no more.
I don't understand why any woman would go to a moslem country (exception being those in the military who are heavily armed)
*My apologies to animals.