Is that the answer to a trick question? Because they have parishes, not counties, right.
These aren't the final results, but it looks like he carried the parish New Orleans is in, and some of the riverfront parishes.
Anyway, Megan's list (for those who really resent having to do all that clicking to links that may or may not work) is:
5) Nebraska
4) Arizona
3) Alaska
1) Texas
5) Washington
4) Wisconsin
3)New York
2) Illinois
1) California
Well, she said she came from the Middle West.
There are some states that are more liberal than Washington or Wisconsin or Illinois: Hawaii, Vermont, Massachusetts, probably New Jersey, maybe Rhode Island and Oregon, too.
And some of the Southern states are probably more conservative than Arizona.
But I hope people aren't so one dimensionally political that they regard ideology as the only important thing. A place that's monotonously monochrome one way or the other gets boring after a while.
There's something to be said for a mix -- for having normal, calm surroundings and that one crazy city or town you can go to to get away from the ordinary for a few hours.
I live in the best and most conservative place in Texas. Well, at least within a quarter of a mile.
Of course it’s the answer to a trick question. Not a single county in Louisiana went to McCain either ;-)