“Mrs. Obama will share personal reflections about how she came to this issue...”
UN agencies urge fight against childhood obesity to prevent diabetes
11 November 2004
...the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO)...
The WHO people like to keep their cushy jobs...they have “creative ideas” meetings.
Maybe Moochelle can discuss the ways she plans to get the junk out of her fatass trunk.
Michelle wants to be co-President so bad she is about to crap her pants.
The source should be North Point Community Church, not North Point Baptist...
Nevertheless, I am stunned... That would be a pretty conservative congregation, I don’t think this is going to go over well.
Her name is “Moochelle.”
I dunno. Isn’t she a sacred cow?
Have a bar-b-q protest on the sidewalk out front.
Your profile does not indicate what state you are from;
but by your post, I assume you are from Georgia.
Maybe you should try posting something on the Georgia message board:
Have you contacted local Tea Party folks? I’ll try to let our group on Tennessee know - they are well connected with tea party groups in north Georgia.
I think the Dems/ libs are targeting the South. The DNC convention will be in No Carolina, now Michelle is going to Georgia. Get ready to protest down there.
This is the Ronald Obama 2012 campaign, folks.
Can this let’s move idea get any more assinine than it is already???? It’s LAUGHABLE!!!
Nice decision-making Andy! Way to lead!
The line of BULLSH*T they are trying to feed us?
That Meechelle and Barry-Hussein are CHRISTIANS.
That’s on a Wednesday. What time will she be there? And why is she allowed to campaign in a church?
If Moochelle really wanted to do something about obesity, she would tell her husband to stop giving food stamps to fat people.
“the First Lady “
The first shall be last.
That which is esteemed among men is abomination to God.
The churches are political enclaves. They are instrumental in naming Cynthia McKinney Blvd. and such
Look for a man and his animal loving, abortion supporting wife. They’ll probably be on their knees while looking up in praise for their messiah’s wife. These would be the same people who worship movie stars and rock and country singers.
They are coming into Red State territories like the plague. He is trying to convince everyone that he is suddently a centrist, as well as a great man of faith. This is for someone who hasn’t been to more than a handful of church services since he was elected. Michelle is just like him.