If we can’t figure out what the Administration’s position is, how can the rest of the World?
Forget it, World, it’s only the Obama Administration talking.
The Bamster is at best a puppet. This is about as deeply as he thinks. He cannot really do anything, cause there ARE people who know about his background, and can blow him out of the water in one day. There are people who know his true history. They know why he has multiple Social Security numbers. There are people who have his financial aid records, probably showing he got into college as a foreign student. There are people who know what his real name is. He does what he's told and takes a lot of vacations. If it's more complicated than eating ice cream, Obama can't handle it.
Currently, there is no Administration position on Egypt, cause Obama hasn't been told what his position on Egypt is, yet.
And we don’t listen to obungler either, world.