This is not anti business just anti big business like scum companies GE, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo Buffett, Geico Buffett, Coca Cola Buffett, JP Morgan Chase, Pepsico and other s**t companies pushing Obama’s agenda. Totally corrupt.
What “American people” is the author talking about? The America people who elected Barry?
"Let me explain to you how this works: you see, the corporations finance Team America, and then Team America goes out... and the corporations sit there in their... in their corporation buildings, and... and, and see, they're all corporation-y... and they make money."
Polls are propaganda... ALL OF THEM..
There, I fixed it.
Close Walmart, GM, Ford, Banks, and the major chain stores for 1 week. Then take the survey again and see if people like and trust big corporations.
What a brunch of ignorant whiners!
We have a situation where many major corporations are not only beheamoths of their own industries but the same people sit on multiple boards of directors creating what’s known as interlocking corporate directorships. The result being that GE, Pepsico, Proctor & Gamble, Comcast etc are really the same people operating under various “brands” to circumvent monopoly laws.
this gives you things like too big to fail and let's raid the tax payers. TARP
At least that many should be disgusted with the biggest power grabber of all, the federal government. It can force you to sell your home, shut down your business, or go to jail, something no corporation can do....unless they have bought friends in the federal government.
Unfortunately I agree with the majority of people who feel this way.
Companies like CH2M HILL, KBR, Halliburton, Fluor and Shaw and others need to be looked into their manner of doing business.
And anyone who thinks corporations can do no wrong has never heard of Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG.
Most corporate boards are populated by Globalists, extreme Leftists, big government Neo-cons, and foreigners. None of these people are loyal to America or to its founding principles and in many cases outright hostile to it. Every commercial you see on TV is some Corporation pushing environmentalism or diversity claptrap.
The last thing these Corporations want is true free enterprise. They want Big Daddy Government to constantly bail them out with taxpayer money or regulate their competition out business. This is exactly what that Communistic health care law written by the insurance corporations wrote known as Obamacare does.
"Competition is a sin" - John D. Rockefeller
Don’t like the power and influence of company X? Don’t buy their products.
Don’t like the consequences of your options? Life is tough; be happy it’s not a lot worse.
And 33% are unemployed.
Obviously the solution is to institute price controls and to dismantle all major corporations by seizing their assets and returning that money back to the government where it belongs.
Then, just to be on the safe side, we need to tax any income over $100K at 100% to make sure nobody can ever grow a large company again.
Ok then folks, don’t shop at Walmart. Sheesh!
OTOH, many corporations have found that sucking on the federal teat is simpler than competing. So I sympathize in a certain way.
I have no problem at all with the size of corporations operating completely within the free market.
It’s the unholy alliance between corporations and government that I have issues with. In a free capitalist society, no corporation, whatever its size, would have any more or less standing before the government than any private citizen.
Even issues that, on the surface, appear unrelated, are often favors given to big corporations in exchange for campaign donations. Environmental laws, for example: before construction can take place, environmental impact studies must be done. Often, despite the studies, groups such as the Sierra Club litigate against the prospective builder—resulting in huge costs to build before the first bulldozer is even brought on site to begin leveling the land. How can a small entrepreneur even begin to compete in such a situation?
And, yes, the Sierra Club and its ilk are just as much big corporations as GE or Enron.
I am afraid the table is being set for the return of Ross Perot. Not the Little General personally, but another similar candidate who will be rerunning the William Jennings Bryan campaigns. If the economy stays mired in this much longer, while the news media continues to headline corporate profits and banker bonuses, there’s going to be an emotional backlash to drive an economic populist into the race. Probably what Barry is counting on so he can slink into a second term on a 38% plurality.