Let the lawsuits begin (I pray!):
“...It is beyond governmental authority to force these Americans into situations that compromise their morals. The Selective Training & Service Act of 1940 permits the granting of Conscientious Objector status to One who by reason of religious training and belief is conscientiously opposed to participation in war. Little known is: People v. Stewart, 7 Cal. 143, Conscientious Scruple. A conscientious scruple against . . . doing military duty, or the like is an objection or repugnance growing out of the fact that the person believes the thing demanded of him is morally wrong, his conscience being the sole guide to his decision . . . (Blacks Law Dictionary). This Conscientious Scruple provision appears to give Marines of conscience a legal remedy for a morally compromising situation of serving under or with Marine homosexuals....”
Marines of Conscience or Homosexual Marines
So your point may give an out for those who don't want to "sh*t, shower, and shave" with queers. Yes, I said the word queer. Sue me.