50 million have been killed , now that is genocide.
Planned parenthood, hell even the name is misleading.
Planned parenthood makes it sound like a woman and a man are about to become parents and they go there for advice and help to become parents to their new baby.
Instead it’;s a place where they stab a baby and then suck it out.
It’ a murder building and it should be stopped.
Sadly many on the right including the likes of cowardly Hannity etc are cowards and do not inform the public to what the killing babies or the homosexual agenda are doing.
I don't listen to his radio program or watch his TV show anymore.
I lost all respect for the man after watching his overinflated ego disrespect a priest on his show over the abortion debate. If you haven't seen it look it up on You Tube, I'm sure the videos are still on there.