Posted on 01/25/2011 1:53:50 PM PST by TriGirl
My husband and I are being interviewed for our local news station in about 1 hour as a "regular families" opinion and expectations of the Presidents speech tonight.
Any good talking points or comments to throw out there? I know you all can help me with some good ones!
Here is a clever little video that provides some perspective on the size of our problem and the symbolic, but meaningless, gestures to do something about it.
Have a couple of barf bags prominently displayed.
Lots of talk about fiscal responsibility and belt tightening....with no specifics on what would actually *be* cut. But a long litany of things that the administration WANTS to spend money on. That they WILL spend on. Errrr...Invest in.
Just please say “What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?”
Damn! That’s a winner!
At least drunken sailors are spending money they earned themselves, doing honest labor, which is more than can be said for Zero.
Tell them that we are adding to our debt to the tune of 4 BILLION dollars per day if spending is simply frozen*. This is with record low interest rates, btw. Spending must be CUT.
* source: Neil Cavuto & Gerri Willis (Fox Business) less than 30 minutes ago
Tell them Obama was shown to be a serial liar when it came to health reform:
1. It will not bend down the cost curve, according to the government’s own figures;
2. It will not reduce the federal deficit unless you believe in all the smoke and mirrors required to make it look that way;
3. Many millions of Americans will NOT be able to keep their current health plan even if they love it;
4. Taxes will go up for virtually all Americans to help pay for this even though Obama promised that taxes for “non-rich” families would not go up by even a dime. A great list of those taxes is here:
In light of this string of lies, assert matter-of-factly that you have no particular reason to believe any of Obama’s SOTU promises.
If they keep blaming conditions on Bush and on how bad things were when they came into power, there are some appropriate lyrics in the song by Brian Burns called “The car was upside down when I got here”.
Not calling it a tax doesn’t make it not a tax.
Just look at your SMALLER paychecks.
Oh I have no illusions that anything will ever be done unless it is crammed down our throats by our creditors. If Reagan couldn't cut government by a dime, it ain't ever gonna happen willingly.
Mention Obama’s call for yet more spending in light of the fact that he has spent more than all of the previous Presidents combined.
“Have a couple of barf bags prominently displayed.”
Background story: I went to a Bob Dole rally for president in '96. A reporter-ette from the local left-leaning newspaper approached me and asked, "Are you sorry that Jack Kemp did not come?". Let me see, have you stopped beating your wife, yet? With one of the few times that I had the presence of mind to respond, I said, "Bob Dole is the best man for president and Jack Kemp is the best choice for VP." She crimped a scowl on her face. She moved on to her next victim.
The left reporters/journalists love to play "gotcha".
as a parent trying to teach family to obey rules, what about dunham showing proof that he is eligible, with a long form certificate, like mccain showed?
With due respect sir, I would like to revise this statement to say: Obama talks right and walks left. It's called the Obama shuffle.
Talk right...walk left
Talk right...walk left
Got it? Everybody now...
10~25% across the board in every federal department and agency for starters, including defense, medicare, and social security. The entire country needs to tighten it's belt, no more sacred cows, no more political spin.
I doubt whether she meant she “needed” talking points, but that instead she’s just soliciting FReepers to see what we’d like to hear discussed. And I thank her for that!
Thanks for asking us, TriGirl!
I would like to know why the dems did NOTHING about jobs for the past two years!
And why, if the dems’ health care program is so great, so many, many companies are getting exemptions from having to carry it out.
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