The term "class warfare" will no longer be a metaphor.
>>When the money runs out the Section-8/Welfare class will go berserk. <<
What makes you think the money will run out?
My Great-Grandchildren are already in debt for it.
I hope to get even with the whole lot and have both my girls become nuns.
I almost long for that day. Just as a pustule must be popped to release the pus, we may have to treat the boil that is welfare and the freeloaders that abuse it.
The money is running out; have you seen the layoffs in Camden NJ yesterday? They’re about to re-claim their title as murder capital of the country; I don’t envy anyone living there, even if they get cradle-to-grave free food, housing, etc. (and free housing comes with some restrictions on where you live). Their affirmative-action civil servants are being turned loose into the worst job market in recent history, and after the school crossing guards turn in for the afternoon it is best to not be caught outdoors. Somebody recently questioned the role of race in much of the budget issues in cities; there was a picture of current council members (all black) and the retired municipal employees (all white) that were the economic albatross around the neck of the municipality. All of the intended looting that began when the “we won” crowd started passing dough around has come to a jarring halt, and economic reality has set in.