As long as he bans “clips” to ten or less we’ll be OK, Garands hold 8.
Magazines, now, are a different story.
And if the old ban had been in place, you can bet that this kid would never have gotten a preban one, or learned to do an IDPA or IPSC reload in a split second.
The Tucson shooting was the best thing to happen to the Commie’RATS this year. As they say, “A real game changer”. They going to use the tragedy to pass every commie piece of bull**** they can come up with. Gotta strike while the iron is hot. Pigs!
When does this senile fool retire?
I am tired of these knee jerk laws they continue to propose. Just get the job you were elected to do done. I believe that means defunding and getting rid of a lot of crap you jackasses did. If you can’t do it; then go home.
My God, these idiots don’t know the difference between a clip and a magazine.
The only reason to have 33 bullets loaded in a handgun is to kill a lot of people very quickly.
He wants to push a restrictive law onto 310,000,000 because of the single act of one crazy guy. And, no offense, but passing a law like that would not have saved all, or even most of the people there. Laws are serious things. There has to be justification for something so impactive on our culture and economy. Something that may save one or two people every five years or so does not rise to that level.
Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., said he would introduce the measure to re-establish a prohibition that lapsed in 2004 on clips that feed more than 10 rounds at a time.
“The only reason to have 33 bullets loaded in a handgun is to kill a lot of people very quickly. These high-capacity clips simply should not be on the market,”
How about a law that would limit the size and scope of the bills that congress votes on.
After all “the only reason to have 2000 pages in legislation is to ENSLAVE a lot of people very quickly.” These “high-capacity” laws should be illegal.
wow. First off, this was a magazine, not a clip.
Second... can’t the libs bring themselves to blame Jared Lee Loughner instead of anyone or anything else??
Unidentified staffer: “Wake up, Frank! We want you to sponsor some legislation.”
This guy really is an idiot. Let's not forget about intent of the shooter.
So, by that reasoning, no one should be able to obtain, own or be in possession of 33 throwing knives.
They can kill a lot of people very quickly also.
BTW, does anyone know where I can buy a 33 round clip for my bazooka?
I want to get mine before the 33 round clip gets outlawed.
Just sayin
We should ban congress critters as they seem to invite violence.
WRONG. He forgot “to defend yourself for longer than you can with a ten round clip.”
PLEASE!!! Natural causes to rid us of this flaming a$$hole.
A long time gun control advocate doesn’t know the difference between a magazine and a clip? This only highlights the problem we have generally in this country. Ignorant people making laws about things they don’t know jack about.
I understand loughner had bacon and eggs for breakfast that fateful morning. It is time we banned not only bacon and eggs, but hogs and chickens.
“Shall NOT be infringed!”
If you republicans pass one anti gun law or even allow one to come to the floor... I will go third party forever. After 38 years of loyalty to the republican party... I will be one person that will help to drive a stake through the party’s heart.