I heard my kids laughing hysterically in front of the TV so I went to see what was going on. They were surfing the channels to try to find something besides the circus in AZ. As they surfed the channels had the listing at the top of the screen showing what was supposed to be showing. The kids particularly laughed at the screen showing Obama speaking and the label of “Criminal Minds”. And they also thought it was funny to see Obama speaking under a title of “Human Target”.
They actually got a picture of it, with the thought that I could upload it here at FR, although I said probably just the “Criminal Minds” one would be best.
Then again, maybe somebody could sue ABC (or whoever; I don’t even know what’s on TV these days because I never watch it) for showing Obama with the title “Human Target” - since those words connected to that image will so obviously incite people to snap and assassinate Obama.
If I had the right cords and knew how to upload the image I’d upload it. The kids are at school so they can’t help me. They couldn’t help me do it last night because FR was down for me.
Too funny!
A "Live to Dance" heading for Obama would have been funny too.