Were there any emails, texts or phone calls to Dill from Wheeler when Wheeler was in the New Castle/Wilmington area before his death (as in “what the hell went on while I was gone?”
I am not saying Dill had anything to do with the murder, but unless he is telling the truth (instead of trying to hide his shortcomings) then it is impossible to get an accurate picture.
He also came up with the "big box at the post office" in this interview but not even an inkling in an earlier interview.
This was a BIG box.....Had his saber been sent out for some reason...and was he airing it to get rid of any moisture accumulated during shipping?? Cewrtainly unsheathed on the floor makes the most sense in that scenario.
on the 30th, Dill AGAIN (supposedly) turned on the radio....despite the chairs, plant, sword....
Makes no sense at all.
I agree...Jack was being kind again...to Mr Dill and family....making them feel useful...Cuz that's the way Jack was...