The raghead terrorist threat pales in comparison to the red sons of bitches running the unions in the socialist states
A 64 year old woman went into the DMV to get her license renewed. She stood at the window for an entire 25 minutes. At first, 3 people were there to help her, but 2 left the room. The one that was left was doing some kind of paperwork.
Eventually, the man came over to her window and snapped "Can I help you?" She said yes, she had to renew her license. He took her through all the paperwork and picture taking. After that was done, he sat down at the computer to finish up, and he noticed her license had been revoked due to a medical issue. The woman explained to the man her license had been reinstated shortly after the incident, about a month earlier, but just got a renewal notice in the mail and thought she should take care of it.
Well, according to this busy man, the computers are 3 months behind. According to this busy man, government union cutbacks are to blame. There aren't enough people to get the work done anymore. He told her she'd have to wait another 3 months to renew.
The woman was pi$$ed. Not only will she have to wait another 3 months to renew her license - she noticed the important paperwork the man was doing after she waited an entire 25 minutes for him. The "important paperwork" the guy was doing was a crossword puzzle!
A newborn Baby died. The Union Bosses should be thrown in jail and charged with manslaughter.
One good thing came out of this debacle, Bloomturd’s presidential aspirations were flushed down the toilet!
NYC officials delayed declaring snowstorm an emergency
BTW, none of this has been discussed by the broadcast nets this morning, aside from the 20 seconds or so on CBS.
Thank goodness it wasn’t Haliburton in charge of would be all over the news if that were the case.
“Blood is on the hands of the sanitation union bosses and the drivers.” ~ jimbo123
Isn’t it ALWAYS? bttt
Organized crime’s involvement with waste management.sanitation/garbage collection in USA
Google Results 1-10 of about 4,010 for Organized crime’s involvement with waste management.sanitation/garbage collection in USA
Cleveland Ohio:
Tip of the iceberg.
Like they care?
So New York, how’s that all workin out for ya? You elect idiots to run your city and guess what, you get what you deserve!
Should be prison time for the Union Bosses. But this is Congress who failed to pass laws making this a criminal offense. They should be brought up on manslaughter charges for the deaths they contributed to.
It is time for the people in this area to play hardball! Prosecute the scum union bosses for the deaths.
Sorry, but if the streets had been plowed correctly, the citizens who cleared their cars could not have caused such congestion. Landlords are supposed to keep their sidewalks spotless at all ties least the sanitation cops give them fines. Stop blaming the people who did clean.
In the SUV video, notice how spotless the sidewalk was on the side the SUV was parked. Across the street from it is a park. That sidewalk obviously has not been touched with either a plow or shovel. Landlords keep the city clean, not the sanitation workers.
As to the union dudes who sabotaged the clean-up, do they think they'll get raises and keep their jobs? Where do they think the money is coming from? trees? Landlords are taxes enough already. Unions are thieves.
People died from this storm because of this nonsense. People need to be arrested and charged for murder. I hope these people can live with themselves for the damage they have done.
Fire 1/3 of the employees and give the jobs to the unemployed. Next year fire another 1/3 and so on.
It’s important to note that Leftists are very good a concerted efforts. Conservatives, on the other hand, can’t even mount a simple act of civil disobedience.
We need a constitutional amendment banning all public employee unions and extremely harsh penalties for any of official or unofficial efforts at organizing public employees. They are traitorous, extortionist, thugs, robbing the tax payers and killing innocent people.
Might want to take a page from the Chi-Com playbook; execute those officials involved with corruption or malfeasance. It may not work but it sure couldn’t hurt.
I’m sure that 0bama will say that they acted stupidly and offer to buy them a beer.
Cut the city up into about 20 districts and privatize the trash and snow removal. No one company to have more than three districts.
End of problem.