I have no problem with that...it’s when people become so focused on one person, whether it’s Palin/Huckabee/Hunter/Pence/???? that they refuse to acknowledge someone else including those mentioned who aren’t their first choice, can do a good job too. Now, I’ll not ever say I think Huckabee can do a good job; but I like Sarah, and I’m open to anyone else, too, who meets my standards. It seems like there are some people, who refuse to see the potential flaws in their candidate, but are insistant in pointing out the flaws in everyone else. We won’t win with a purity test, and we won’t win by pouting. Instead of trying to tear someone down, as seems to be the case, and refusing to consider anyone but X won’t get conservatism advanced any quicker or a conservative message out any clearer.
Oh come on, Mark...they don’t make men in New Hampshire anymore...G-d took the sign down a few years back... :-)
I am supporting Palin, obviously but I am not “offended” if someone wants to support Huckabee, Romney, etc. If Palin fails to garner the nomination, we may well end up with Romney, then what? I swore last time I would never vote for McCain and then I voted for McCain. My strategy now is to back my candidate to the fullest and live with the results.