What the blue blazes are you talking about? I have said nothing remotely suggesting that I think this is anything other than a terrible idea. Is this just your standard "run to mommy" response when you get in a discussion in which you're emotional-laden responses are answered with logic?
As for being a "newbie", my posting goes back to 1999, and I was forced to change screennames when my password was corrupted and JimRob couldn't get the old account deleted or reinstated. A quirk of the software, according to his email to me. My former posting name was XJarhead, if that matters to an HTML desk jockey such as yourself.
You think we should implement the repeal of DADT and see if it falls apart?
No, you blockhead. I opposed the repeal strongly and still do. It's a horrible idea. But the decision as to whether we "should" implement the repeal was decided by the U.S. Congress, including a bloc of brain-addled Republicans. That is a fact, and stamping your foot on the floor and wishing it otherwise won't address the problem.
I'd have understood it if Amos had resigned, but I think long-term, that would make the possibility of reinstatement of the policy less likely.
I asked..
“You think we should implement the repeal of DADT and see if it falls apart?”
Based on you saying... “If we are right that this is a bad policy, and I think we are, then the best strategy is to follow orders and let the policy collapse under the weight of it’s own flawed premises.”
The idea that we allow this travesty of faggotry into the military as a social experiment and hope that it collapses “under the weight of it’s own flawed premises” is laughable.
Once these perverts and deviants gets their foot in the door - there’s no turning back.
Especially with Gen Amos now leading the gay parade to penetrate - I mean integrate - fags in the military.