Race riots occur all around th eworld. But, its only news when whites do the beating.
Truncheons,bottles thrown,clean shaven, Moscow police chief incapable, Russian nationalists,(note capitalization on noun it didn’t happen here but it occurs (to)too frequently in comments).This report I take it is from Time magazine ? No wonder they’re going under.
What is this about ? Who is the group rioting and why ?
If the Soviet dictators do not squash this, then they want it to happen, and they want it to happen because it gives them the means to acquire greater control over the people.
Make no mistake, communism in the Soviet Union did not die in the early 90’s, as much as we want to Give President Reagan credit for that.
The Soviet Communists went underground, split up among 11 of the 12 iron-curtain states (the 12th being Georgia, and look what the neo-Soviets did to them), to rebuild their economy while making the US put its guard down.
They will wait until America is in a very weakened state and then they will team with China, India, and Brazil to destroy us.
At Saturday's rally, and at several previous ones calling for justice in the Sviridov case, the soccer fans made up the bulk of the crowd yelling racist chants.The European leftist PC regime has similarly repressed the white male's instinct to defend their nation, society and family. Were yesterday's "soccer thugs" merely repressed white male patriots? Are those instincts, for years channeled into meaningless soccer rivalries and riots, finding their way back to a more natural real world espression?"These soccer movements are undergoing a crisis," says Pavel Zyryanov, a member of the Russian parliament's committee on youth policy. "They have become a place where nationalists and radicals can organize ."
Do PC (or Soviet) regimes leave this as the only avenue remaining for those traditional males of western society to defend themselves and their society from those who would destroy them?
Hopefully, as long as Americans find political voice and power in movements like the Tea Party, talk radio & the internet we can make the required difference before we have to organize similarly.
Poorly written article. The Russian skinheads are beating what ethnic groups? The story does not say whom except to allude to people from the Caucasus. What people exactly and why?
Russians have long had racism and regionalism down to a fine art. The various ethnicities of the empire are ranked on a long chain of being with ethnic Russians placing themselves on top and (I think) Siberian Chukchis on the bottom but Chechens are the principal object of recent hatred for obvious reasons.
Also Slavic Russians rank in the regional pecking order is determined by their distance from Moscow although Moscow and St. Petersburg Russians have always been locked in bitter rivalry. We got a refresher in just how racist Russkies actually are when Cosby’s son was killed by a Ukranian immigrant in the nineties and his wife spouted off that the kid must have learned his racism in the states (this comment launched a storm of better-informed ripostes from those in the know).
Westwardho is right that people who live with a boot on their necks have an especial need to have someone else to look down on.
Vague story, no details, racist skinheads...
No, probably a bunch of fed up white guys beating on muslims that had raped some girls in town. Probably a more accurate story line.