If you scroll down about three quarters of the way you will find a definition of the purpose of this site and what is and isn't expected in terms of behavior and viewpoints in this community.
Free Republic isn't a liberal debating society, it is a community of FRiends gathered to help promote the Conservative movement. This is what differentiates it from other websites and why it is so influential. It is a good read and something to definitely keep in mind when posting, especially if you feel like flaming somebody, either a FReeper or a good conservative politician.
Sure there are disagreements between FRiends, but we don't hammer on each other or those on our team. That is counterproductive and downright unFRiendly. (RINOs and libs we hammer on ;0)
It’s still a debating society. Just roll with it.
If the boss had a problem with warchild9 ZOT would have ensued a long, long time ago.
Post on.