Wrong. The stated ultimate purpose the Constitution gives for itself is to "secure the Blessings of Liberty TO POSTERITY," and the Fifth and the Fourteenth Amendments clearly and succinctly protect the unalienable right to life of every person. It's an imperative.
The Court did NOT find the right to life "violable." The exact opposite is true. Blackmun stated in the Roe vs. Wade opinion that if the fetus is a person they are "of course" protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. And so he dehumanized the child.
I find it shocking to find someone on this website who thinks the right to life can be alienated.
The Fifth amendment only limits the government from the taking of life, without due process. I find it shocking that one who frequents this website finds emanations and penumbra in the amendments, or puts the Fourteenth in the Bill of Rights.