As for the idea that this was photoshopped, the problem is that they'd have to fake the Flightaware data, weather from a GOES weather satellite and a shot from a webcam at LAX that also matches up with the Flightaware data for UPS 902. Oh, and then they'd have to come up with a fake photo of a similar contrail the next day and fake the video of said contrail floating about on YouTube.
Check out all the stuff on this page. Redundant confirmation even without Warren. Then look at this page for a ton of "missile launches" that are contrails, including on from New Years that couldn't be more clearly a missile launch...except it's a jet.
Why did millions of people fail to notice this obvious missile launch on the 8th, including scores of pilots in the air? Because from most angles it must have looked to them like a jet contrail, just like the one on New Years looked like a jet contrail from all but a small cone.
Excellent post. Unfortunately it is wasted on the Mystery-Missile crowd, as one rule of conspiracy theory is that contrary evidence is just seen as proof of a still-larger conspiracy.
In other words, the New York picture is just proof the Chi Coms, Iranians, MSM, FreeMasons etc have also launched secret missiles from secret submarines ON THE EAST COAST TOO!!!!!
The Flightware track data for UPS902 on November 8th shows no directional travel Northward and no directional travel even close to NorthEastward, while the plane was over water near the US coast. So the supposed contrail could not physically bend to the right or turn to the right when viewed from the Helicopter located over Los Angeles Harbor. Yet it does. What you need to ask yourself, is why they choose that angle of view for their 3d flightware track. There is a good reason they did. And it was not based on their theory being sound.