Hi, Butterdezillion! I have been reading this thread all day, at times sad, at times feeling disbelief, at times solemn...your posts have come closest to my heart. I know where you stand in the “red”. I was in the red back in 2004 when Bush was re-elected. My husband thought I had gone round the bend due to my fear and obsession with worry over the outcome. I explained to him, “if Bush wins, this is our last chance. I hope America wakes up before it is too late.”
I’m not red now. I’m not black, either. I am white—not surrender white, but walk in The Light white. Obama can throw anything and the kitchen sink at me, and I’m good. My resolve is set, my focus sure...my citizenship does not belong to him (obama) it belongs to God. I will stand tall and strong until the end, whatever it may be.
Christians are the only hope for this country, and until we realize the power in that statement, we might as well give up. I realize the power, and I will stand — and serve my master — The Great I AM. I just keep praying for all Elisha’s servants to have opened eyes. II Kings 6: 16-17
White (light) trumps black (darkness) eternally.
Sleep well, Butterdezillion. Tomorrow is already taken care of.
Thanks Daisy Mae. Somebody tried to paint me as crazy not too long ago based on a comment I had made saying that I don’t know what time it is. I don’t know how close we are to the end of the world and all that comes with that.
I haven’t gotten real involved in various interpretations of Revelation but have tried to understand the overarching themes that are clear to about everybody, and the thing that stands out is the role of economics in controlling people and getting them to worship the beast.
So I believe that is going to happen sometime. Right now it’s looking like it could be very soon.
And if it does it will be OK, sort of like the pain of labor being OK because that’s what it takes to get to birth. God knows whether this is labor, false labor, or just gas in the stomach. lol. And whatever it is will be fine, because - as you say - tomorrow is already taken care of. We know who wins in the end. There has to be a Good Friday before there’s a Resurrection Sunday. So if it’s Friday morning before the crucifixion, or Maundy Thursday when the betrayal leading to the crucifixion takes place, or if it’s a year ahead of any of those events doesn’t really matter; God will take care of that.
I do believe that we are to be salt and light as long as we can, and that includes the preservative effect of our faith and life - which includes an insistence on the truth, justice, and the rule of law for the benefit of all.
I think about one of the main ideas presented in “Facing the Giants”: “I’m gonna give God everything I’ve got and leave the results up to Him.”
That’s my aim, and it’s good to be reminded - as my husband keeps reminding me - that I don’t need to worry about the results because that’s God’s department, not mine. I think I tend to look at results as validation of whether I’m doing a good job, but mostly I just pray that God would accomplish what He wants in spite of me, and ask Him to please help me not botch it up too bad.
And with that, I WILL go sleep well, like you said. Like Jesus slept in the storm, knowing it was going to be OK. And you also sleep well, Daisy Mae! =)