They have now made it so someone like me can no longer fly.My insulin pump and 24 hour gluclose monitor can not go through the scan nor an xray.The insets that are on my body make a pat down painful and dangerous healthwise if they disloge the one for my insulin pump.The bathroom on a plane is not clean enough to use to do that and I don’t really think the other passenges would appreciate my shirt being up to do that sitting there.Without my pump my blood sugar begins to rise and will be in a dangerous range within about 45 mintues.I don’t think it will be possible for someone like me to fly anymore.
Write your local state and federal congress members. CC them all and the TSA. Explain your problem. Visit the local office so the staffers if not the elected representative can meet you directly. And see you as a real life flesh and blood soul.
Your civil rights are being violated. Take action of some sort, doesn’t have to be anything more than phones and email — but don’t STFU like the goons are telling folks to do.