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Amazing Interview: Air Force General says "Sub Launched Missile, 100% Certain"
Fox News Interview with Air Force General Tom McInerney | November 14th 2010 | Fox News Hannity Interview

Posted on 11/13/2010 2:55:59 PM PST by DontTreadOnMe2009

Hannity was surprised to hear a famous ex Air Force General tell him “That Is A Missile, Shot From A Submarine!” I quote retired Air Force Lieutenant General Tom McInerney (ex commander of 11th Air Force in Alaska) “I spent 35 years flying fighters, and you can see the guidance system kick in, I have watched that film 10 times, I am absolutely certain that that is not an aircraft, but a sub launch ICBM missile!!!” See the video and judge his words for yourself.! I will next post a clickable link.

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: California
KEYWORDS: 2manykooks; california; californiamissile; contrail; contrailconmen; dailynutjobthread; freerepublickooks; freerepublickooksite; generalmcinerney; genmcinerney; icbm; kooks; launch; losangeles; mcinerney; missile; missilemystery; mysterymissile; terrorism; tommcinerney; underwater
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To: DontTreadOnMe2009; TigersEye; Finny; justa-hairyape

As to the unfounded “no witnesses” constant assertions, here’s one from a witness:

From the CBS website Comments area:


“This vapor trail was visible at sunset last night from Santa Monica.

It was about 20 miles north of Catalina Island.

It was quite a smear on the horizon (NOT UP IN THE SKY).

I often watch the sunset there and planes don’t leave this heavy of an imprint. And their trails are in the sky and not leading back down to the ocean.”

1,141 posted on 11/17/2010 12:10:39 AM PST by DontTreadOnMe2009 (So stop treading on me already!)
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To: TigersEye

Cameraman in quotes:

“I saw a big plume coming up, rising from looked like beyond the horizon and it continued to grow,” Leyvas said.

“It was unique. It was moving,” he said. “It was growing in the sky.”

Big event. Plume. Being widened by the wind.

“UNIQUE”, in his own words. Or “Spectacular” as the expert stated.

“Was growing” refers to the huge smoke plume, slowly spreading out, not the rocket which was very tiny at the end of the video- obviously.

1,142 posted on 11/17/2010 12:18:35 AM PST by DontTreadOnMe2009 (So stop treading on me already!)
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To: DontTreadOnMe2009
Here is another. LA Times.

He wasn't the only one to see it.

When Kelly Spear looked out the back window of her San Pedro home to see a rising orange line on the horizon, she thought it might be a rocket launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base, a sight unusual enough for her to grab her telephoto lens and take a few shots.

"I told myself it was just a plane, but I really had no idea," she said. "We have a pretty expansive view, and I've never seen anything like that before."

1,143 posted on 11/17/2010 1:17:09 AM PST by justa-hairyape
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To: muawiyah
Parallax explains the whole question you are raising. We always had that with postal scales until we got rid of the beam balances and brought in digital.

You do not get the point. A helicopter pilot who flies around the LA basin filming news items, who miss judges distances by 100 miles, wont live long. Does not matter what could potentially confuse him. He would run out of fuel one day. If anyone has the ability to judge distances properly, it is a Helicopter Pilot. And 100 mile trips up and down the coast here are really not rare. And the multi-Basin region here is not the flat corn fields of Iowa.

1,144 posted on 11/17/2010 2:04:50 AM PST by justa-hairyape
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To: lbahneman
Gil Leyvas is not a pilot. He is a cameraman for KCBS. He sits behind the pilot/copilot. The FAA frowns upon pilots looking into camera viewfinders (fitted with light-blocking blinders) while VFR helicopter flights in heavily trafficked airspace.

Was assuming the pilot, whoever they were, told CBS what the distance was. Where did I type the name Gil ? So you do not think the observer/cameraman whoever, told the pilot to head toward that rocket ? You really are clutching at straws. Must have hit a bone there.

The simple fact that you believed he was the pilot while acquiring that footage says a lot about where your level of thinking and understanding lies.

Was assuming everyone, whoever, was communicating. From what I understand the pilot, whoever, radioed back that they were seeing that strange event again. So they were even communicating back to home base.

In the face of such ignorance (though I have to respect their candor in expressing it so publicly), I have to make this my last post on the matter. There's no real gain here by either side. One side has scientific evidence, the other side can not and will not produce any. The one side relies on multiple, independent observations to support their theory, the other side has one (KCBS video). Basic scientific method versus a complete lack of methodology.

Yikes. I did not even type the name Gil. You did. I was referring to the pilot. Whoever he was he is responsible for accurately determining distances. Cause he might run out of fuel one day, if he screws it up. So Gil probably asked the Pilot, what is the distance. Or perhaps CBS asked the pilot, what was the distance. Touchy. Touchy. Does anyone of the Plane Conspiracy Crowd ever address a post topic directly ?

1,145 posted on 11/17/2010 2:24:21 AM PST by justa-hairyape
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To: TigersEye

Comment from CBS site:

This vapor trail was visible at sunset last night from Santa Monica. It was about 20 miles north of Catalina Island.

It was quite a smear on the horizon.

I often watch the sunset there and planes don’t leave this heavy of an imprint.

And their trails are in the sky and not leading down to the ocean.

That matches with the local CBS report that the photographer estimated it to be north of Catalina Island.

That doesn’t match at all with awe808 or the UPS flight which pass over or just south of Catalina Island.

And this is from an independent witness from one day after the missile launch, not involved or aware of our discussion here.

Independent report.

Of what he saw.

Not false overlays of gifs that have no known directional vector involved, created by armchair strategists with no experience or expertise at all in missile launches.

He saw it.

Huge smoke plume. THat is because of the huge amount of propellant being burned.

The real experts have told everyone this. Including a quite famous US 3 star LIeut General.

Wake up, people - an unknown somebody has launched an SLBM off our coast for an unknown reason and our government is lying to us about it.

It’s funny -— several FReepers know more than the Jane’s Missile and Rocket magazine Editor.

1,146 posted on 11/17/2010 2:26:14 AM PST by DontTreadOnMe2009 (So stop treading on me already!)
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To: muawiyah
..."lighting up the sky" as one headline had it AND,...

Great. Now we are doing science by news article headlines. Have you ever been interviewed for an article by a reporter ? I have. And let me tell you, what they claimed I stated, was nowhere close to what I actually stated.

1,147 posted on 11/17/2010 2:37:39 AM PST by justa-hairyape
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To: TigersEye

Thanks for the info on the helicopter location, time, orientation. First time I’ve seen that anywhere.

Neither have I, including the post you were replying to #1032. Where did lbahneman say anything about the helicopter location, time, orientation?

I looked also and I also could not find. Period. Also did a net search.

1,148 posted on 11/17/2010 2:38:39 AM PST by DontTreadOnMe2009 (So stop treading on me already!)
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To: Ronald_Magnus
Pilot: Suit yourself, but I don’t think anybody is THAT gullible.

What does that matter ? Clutching at straws because that is all you have left now.

1,149 posted on 11/17/2010 2:39:27 AM PST by justa-hairyape
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To: MilleniumBug

Wow. That is scary. Do you have a link where someone can go to look at that ? Or at least a website ?

1,150 posted on 11/17/2010 3:03:16 AM PST by justa-hairyape
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To: TigersEye

Listen for yourself what this man Gil has to say:

Cameraman: “You could tell that the object, whatever it was, was spiralling in the sky. It was spinning.”

“As I zoomed in on it and got tighter, you could tell it was spinning, and going in a WESTERLY direction.” (Away from LA.)

Sound like an airplane ?

Missiles spin, don’t they? (I don’t know so I am asking, hoping for info not ad hominem attacks.)

The corkscrew smoke plume going right to the base of the object can be very clearly seen in the post of the still image I made previously.

This, from a man who saw it, with a 2x telephoto zoom lens. No one here has seen it. No one.

“Saw something similar a week before.” Well, many missile launches are made off of LA and Catalina, but they are announced before hand by the USA. Not like this unannounced one.

I quote the cameraman further:

“At one point it seemed to separate”: Booster fall off? As can barely be seen in one of the earlier versions of this report (not sure if still up or not).

“And then continue further up into the sky, and then finally disappear.”

Well, what can I say? This is what missiles do, this is what a missile launch looks like, this was a missile launch.

“Spectacular” said the cameraman and the former Under Secretary of Defense.

“This is a submarine launched missile” said the 3 star General on Fox News.

Solid propellant missile launch said Doug Richardson, the editor of Jane’s Missiles and Rockets, examined the video for the Times of London and said he was left with little doubt.

“It’s a solid propellant missile,” he told the Times. “You can tell from the efflux [smoke].”

Richardson said it could have been a ballistic missile launched from a submarine or an interceptor, the defensive anti-missile weapon used by Navy surface ships.

Gee folks,

what do you think?

Solid propellant missile launch, or have the 4 angry FReepers arrayed against the above experts solved it from their keyboards ... ?

We inform, you decide.

1,151 posted on 11/17/2010 3:07:07 AM PST by DontTreadOnMe2009 (So stop treading on me already!)
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To: DontTreadOnMe2009

FYI - Not seeing the images you posted. Perhaps a problem on my end.

1,152 posted on 11/17/2010 3:14:44 AM PST by justa-hairyape
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To: kanawa
The process of science begins with an observation.
Look at that Rocket !

The observer then proposes an hypothesis to explain the observation.
Was it one of ours ?

The hypothesis is then tested by gathering data.
Dang Pentagon is lieing again.

The data will either confirm or eliminate hypothesis.
What the heck are they hiding ?

The goal is truth.
No. The goal when missiles are flying off your coast is to try to stay alive.

1,153 posted on 11/17/2010 3:18:18 AM PST by justa-hairyape
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To: Ramius

I will try to reply to the following questions:

” ... if it was a missile and the military says there was no missile, they are lying. The “why” of that seems like an important element. Why lie when they don’t need to? For the fun of it?”

#1) Makes no sense to say this. They do need to lie. And they are. Reason: If it was ours, it was not announced nor were we warned about it ahead of time. Has not happened before. Giant error? Needs covering up , I would say.

And BTW: don’t you get the very strong feeling that the Pentagon was caught very flat footed: “We don’t know what it is but everyone plz be calm” it is “Not a threat”... Odd statement, yes?

#2) Or, if foreign, they need to lie to avoid recriminations and panic. They really, really need to lie.

In either case, they really really need to lie.

The gossip on the Internet, all rumors, is that it was #2.

But no substantiation.

I personally do not know which. We are all just guessing.

1,154 posted on 11/17/2010 3:29:51 AM PST by DontTreadOnMe2009 (So stop treading on me already!)
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To: Ramius


“If it was somebody else’s, say... China, and they wanted to cover that up... the simplest way would just be to say it was ours. Everybody yawns and goes home.

If it was somebody else’s... seems they’ve been pretty quiet about it. Why do to all that trouble for nothing?”

Again, this makes no sense.

It was unexpected.

Big, spectacular surprise.

The government just can’t suddenly say Whoops, missile took off, actually it was ours, we just forgot to warn everyone. Our bad, No threat forget about it.

Maybe if they had tried this in the first few hours it would have worked but they seem to have been so stunned, they stuttered and gave out other silly answers instead and now it is too late.

Was it Chinese. I don’t know, no one knows. Was it USA. I don’t know no one knows.

1,155 posted on 11/17/2010 3:33:55 AM PST by DontTreadOnMe2009 (So stop treading on me already!)
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To: Ramius


“It jus’ don’ make no sense. But then there is a possibility that makes perfect sense: It is what it appears to be... an airplane coming in over the horizon at high altitude. Now THAT makes sense.”

No. That makes no sense.

If so, we should see a dozen a week or 600 per year. Now THAT makes no sense.

Cameraman looking at it with a zoom lens:

“The object was spiraling”.

“It was spinning”.

“It headed WEST and then disappeared.”

Rocket launch.


1,156 posted on 11/17/2010 3:36:44 AM PST by DontTreadOnMe2009 (So stop treading on me already!)
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To: muawiyah
That's what he said. But it wasn't as neat so he filmed this one.

No. He stated the event the previous Thursday was not as spectacular as this one. When he first saw this on Monday, he radioed (or perhaps his radio man) whatever, radioed back to headquarters that the weird event was occurring again.

We also have a possible second video of the event on Monday. Would be nice to get the raw CBS videos with time stamps. Can we subpoena them ? After all, it is our lives that are at stake if these were foreigners.

1,157 posted on 11/17/2010 3:37:39 AM PST by justa-hairyape
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To: editor-surveyor


1,158 posted on 11/17/2010 3:37:40 AM PST by DontTreadOnMe2009 (So stop treading on me already!)
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To: Niteflyr

Great article By Doug Hagmann  Wednesday, November 10, 2010:

First half is here, go to their website to read more

A person of normal sensibilities would have to be intellectually numb, overly medicated or otherwise too preoccupied with keeping food on the table and the proverbial wolves from their door not to realize that there is something very, very wrong going on today.  By now, most Americans have heard about the sighting of what appears to be a missile, and a big one at that, apparently being launched from a location about 35 miles off the coast of Los Angeles near sunset last evening.  Video of the incident was taken from a KCBS news helicopter flying over the mainland at the time.

The manner in which this story unfolded should be a story by itself. The corporate media, quick to comment on the culturally indigenous dancing rituals of U.S. royalty, were quite slow on the uptake on an issue that has serious national security implications in light of our government’s response to this incident.

Today, Americans were treated with a number of explanations from our government officials, military pundits, and even media personalities about the incident. Those explanations range from the “embarrassing if true” to the “downright insulting,” with numerous variations in between. Ranging from having no information on the incident, to assurances that an investigation is underway, and my personal favorite, it is the contrail from an airplane that caused an optical illusion due to a problem of visual perspective, we are either in a boatload of trouble with regard to our national defense, or the hubris of the power elite is at an all time high.

As news of the event began to appear in the media, I contacted several well placed and trusted intelligence and military sources in an effort to determine the truth about the incident.

These sources, as I was reminded by one during our conversation, are risking their careers to talk to me. And they talk to me not because of my charm or influence, both of which I admittedly lack, but because they care about the current status and future of our great country. And there is no better reason. I was less than reassured from what I learned today.

“There was an air of deep concern among the officials”

According to one source within the Pentagon, many of the top brass were in unscheduled, high level meetings throughout the day.

Although he was not privy to the information imparted during these meetings, he told me that “there was an air of deep concern among the officials,” and all participants had a DAWT policy (don’t ask because I won’t tell) policy.

Surreal was just one of the adjectives amply used by my Pentagon source.

At the very least, according to this source, it was a missile.

As to whether it was ours or theirs, he does not know.

But he said “they do,” a reference to the brass.

The rumors circulating “within the [Pentagon] rings” suggest that it was a deliberate launch of a missile from “Chinese property at sea” intended as a warning to the U.S.

Although it was odd that he would not clarify the nature of the “Chinese property,” I can only assume that it did not originate from Catalina Island or U.S. military ships in the area, as we still own those, at least to my knowledge.

A domestic intelligence source speaking to me off the record acknowledged the event by his assurances that it was indeed “some type of large missile” and not an illusion or model rocket.

This, according to information from his superiors, who are deeply rooted inside the beltway.

He provided a lot of technical speak that amounted simply to this: the air traffic controllers were taken by surprise and clueless, there were no prior warnings of any scheduled military tests issued, and no one from the military has confided to his agency that “the missile” was ours and launched by mistake. In other words, it was not ours and it was no mistake.

1,159 posted on 11/17/2010 3:46:07 AM PST by DontTreadOnMe2009 (So stop treading on me already!)
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To: muawiyah
Just to remind you, he said it was "incoming" (which meant it was heading East, toward himself) and he said it was "going West", and he said "it was North West of Catalina", and a variety of other things, but more importantly he filmed the same event a week earlier at the same place!

Do not know what the California coastline looks like down here?

And it was not the same event. He even stated it was different. And we do not know where that Thursday event took place.

1,160 posted on 11/17/2010 3:50:35 AM PST by justa-hairyape
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