You heard right.
Schfield, a former (D) Gov was on the tube saying ‘his’ candidate could not win, so vote for Lisa - seems Joe was too “extreme”
Most Unions - who push the (D) viewpoint - also came out for Lisa.
40 so-called (R) party ‘leaders’ attacked Joe
Add in in Native Corps (some areas had 100% write in for Lisa)
When Big Money talks - people in Alaska dance.
At least now we know who ownes who - eh?
“40 so-called (R) party leaders attacked Joe”
Nice, huh? Any doubt what we’re dealing with in large swaths of the GOP? Has the unceasing lament about the RINOs on this board fallen on deaf ears? Did we think this was going to be easy fighting back against the professional politicians and progressive liars from both parties?
Tea Party on!!